Mrs. Richardson Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: September 3, 2013

Homeroom 6 E1 (Mlle. Richardson)   I am very excited for this school year! We are going to have a fantastic year ;-) Students in 6E1 have received their agenda's and 3 notices. Parents and guardians please take the time this evening or in the next few nights to read over the important information included in your child's agenda. You may find many answers to your questions within this information. Please fill out the BLUE STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET and send back to homeroom teacher ASAP.   I would like to take the opportunity to invite all parents and guardians to our Meet the Teacher night! Come and meet your child's teachers and  visit their classroom. The evening will on Wednesday September 11th, 2013 beginning at 6pm in our gym. Hope to see you there :-)  
