Purple Team Trip to Olivier and Magnetic Hill ZooJune 11th, 2012 ITEMS TO LEAVE HOME☐ No nuts or cinnamon. We have students with severe allergies.☐ No sprays (perfume, hairspray, deodorant, sunscreen, bug spray). Teachers will supply bug spray, if necessary for the zoo.ITEMS TO BRING☐ Snacks and something to drink (preferably water to avoid mess on the bus)☐ Bagged lunch or money for MacDonalds☐ Epi-pens, puffers or medication. Students requiring these items will need them to be able to travel with us. Ms Richardson and Ms Barrieau will look after these items during the day.☐ Layers of clothing and comfortable footwear.☐ Electronics- ipods, phones, mp3 etc will be permitted on the bus only. Absolutely no photos. Teachers will take photos during the day and post them to the school website where you may copy and paste. Also, please note that we will not be spending our field trip time looking for lost electronics. Bring these items at your own risk and responsibility. ☐ A positive attitude and good manners! We want to represent Harkins well in our travels on Monday. We have no doubt that this group will be fine ambassadors of our fair middle school.