Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science

Posted: March 3, 2011

6L1 1.  Il faut jouer ces jeux à VOTRE niveau.  Soyez honnêtes.  Visitez seulement les sites suivants: sujet: mathématiques bien!
Math- Science- Science Fair Project
Math- Sign Assignments Science-  Work on Science Fair Project, Topic should be chosen and approved by the end of the week. Bring in $2 for Basketball Fundraiser (happening tomorrow) for El Salvador and Bowl for Kids.  
Math- page 229, #'s 1,3,4,5  Sign assignments Science- Think about/Plan Science Fair Project $2 for Basketball Game Bake Sale Thursday, Bring item!

Posted: February 25, 2011


Wed, Mar 16/11 9:00 pm
Math:  page 216 # 1,2,7,8 (Most have already finished this as it was assigned by the supply teacher yesterday) Science:  Expo Science!  It's Science Fair time!  6L1 and 6E received some information about the Fair today.  Here are some important notes: 1-  Students may work in pairs or alone with someone of the same class. 2-  Students must choose a testable question and should try to be innovative.  They must use the Scientific Method (see packet distributed) See this compilation of Science Fair website: 3-  The Purple Team Science Fair will take place during class on Thursday, March 17th.  This is the absolute due date.  Students will be given a limited amount of class time for this venture and will be expected to work at home or at lunch/enhancement.  Science Fair is an important activity in inquiry based scientific learning, however class time must be equally shared with curriculum learning since our students do have a provincial science assessment in June.    
1.  Il faut jouer ces jeux à VOTRE niveau.  Soyez honnêtes.  Visitez seulement les sites suivants: sujet: mathématiques Amusez-vous bien!  
Math- page 216, #1,2  Logique 7 6L2-  El Salvador!!! :) Wear a pink t-shirt for anti-bullying day!  Write 5 lines "What I can do to help bullying at my school" to be entered to win a pink t-shirt tomorrow.

Posted: February 21, 2011

Math- Science- 6L1 students who did not observe the moon may take a telescope home tonight. 6L2:  Bring in $2 for El Salvador fundraiser.  We would like to meet or exceed 6L1 and 6E's donation of $60 each!

Posted: February 20, 2011

1)  Visitez le site web «Gizmos»: 2)  Inscrivez avec le code qui correspond: 6E:  DHWWBGPTSQ 6L1: DHXTVSPNZC 6L2: DHYRGDGGFQ 3)  Explorez les simulations suivantes «Classifying Triangles», «Isoceles and Equilateral Triangles» and «Triangle Angle Sum».    


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