Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science

Posted: June 3, 2010

Math:  PP9 is due Science:  Energy Resources Project due (in paper or digital format) on Monday (see page 32 of electricity text, project outline hand-out or project outline under documents)

Posted: June 2, 2010

PDF icon Projet-lessourcesdenergie.pdf1.37 MB
Math:  PP9 is due Science:  Review for assessment, Energy Resources Project due (in paper or digital format) on Monday (see page 32 of electricity text, project outline hand-out or project outline attached to this post)
PDF icon projet_sources_denergie_outline.pdf106.31 KB

Posted: May 31, 2010

Science:  Review notes and review sheet for assessment Wednesday and Thursday.  Please see our class notes under the 'documents' section of this Teacher Page.    Science Project due date has been pushed to next week.

Posted: May 28, 2010

Math: Science: 1)  Journals 1 to 3 (see journal questions below) 2)  Look over notebook for Provincial Assessment next week. 3)  Look over helpful review sheet.  We will look at it together in more depth on Monday.  MCV!  
-  Journal 1(p9): L'électricité:  «Si, à la maison, tu ne pouvais utiliser que 3 appareils électrique, lesquels choisirais-tu?  Pourquoi?  Explique ton choix.»   - Journal 2 (p15):  En quoi l'éléctricité statique et l'éléctricitédynamique (le courant éléctrique) sont-elles différentes? - Journal 3 (p19):  La plupart des cordon d'alimentation sont composéde cuivre enveloppé dans la matière plastique.  Quels autres materiaux peut-onutiliser pour fabriquer ces cordons?  Dresse une liste. - Journal 4 (p25): Quels sont les avantages de pouvoir déclencher et arrêter la force magnétique d'un aimant?    
Math: Science: Journals 1 to 3, Look over notebook for Provincial Assessment next week. Helpful review sheet will be distributed tomorrow.   Bring $1 and wear sneakers for play at Carrefour on Friday morning.

Posted: May 25, 2010

Math: 61 & 62, p 148 #1 to 5 Science: Journals 1 to 3


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