Posted: April 15, 2016
Math- Quiz Wednesday
Science- Duotangs will be picked up soon. See duotang rubric distributed and posted below,
Posted: April 15, 2016
Math- Quiz Wednesday
Science- Duotangs will be picked up soon. See duotang rubric distributed and posted below,
Posted: April 14, 2016
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Posted: April 14, 2016
Math- Logique 7 & Art and Triangles Project is due tomorrow
Science- Duotangs will be picked up soon. Contents should include:
Cahier de science, Terme 3 |
i) Page titre et KWL- Électricité |
ii) Journal 1 |
iii) Journal 2 |
iv) Expérience 1 (série) |
v) Expérience 2 (parallèles) |
vi) Journée sans technologie |
vii) Expérience: Électricité statique |
Posted: April 12, 2016
Science- Purple Sheet
CLASSROOM YARD SALE IS TOMORROW! Bring a few items and bring some change too!
Posted: April 9, 2016
Posted: April 8, 2016
Math- Sign Unit Test: Probability; Explorer les triangles, p148 #2,3,4,6,7,8
Science- HMS Light's Out! No Technology Day is Monday, April 11th. See parent letter. Fill out technology journal (Purple Sheet). Plan your day and try to avoid technology and electricity!
Journals 1 & 2
Posted: April 7, 2016
Math- Sign Unit Test: Probability; Explorer les triangles, p148 #2,3,4,6,7,8
Science- HMS Light's Out! No Technology Day is Monday, April 11th. See parent letter. Fill out technology journal (Purple Sheet). Plan your day and try to avoid technology and electricity!
Journals 1 & 2
Posted: April 6, 2016
Math- Sign Unit Test: Probability; Finish page 136 #1,2,3,4
Science- HMS Light's Out! No Technology Day is Monday, April 11th. See parent letter. Fill out technology journal (Purple Sheet). Plan your day and try to avoid technology and electricity!
Journals 1 & 2
Posted: April 5, 2016
Posted: April 5, 2016
Math- Sign Unit Test: Probability; Finish page 136 #1,2,3,4
Science- HMS Light's Out! No Technology Day is Monday, April 11th. See parent letter. Fill out technology journal (Purple Sheet). Plan your day and try to avoid technology and electricity!
Journals 1 & 2