Posted: March 29, 2011
All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes. AR goals due Friday, June 10th.
Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - You need to have your speech topic, planning sheet and research with you in class every day! We are working on our draft copies in class and if you have no materials with you, you won't be able to benefit from help in class. Student who come to class without their speech materials and research will be given other work to do and will have to make up the time on their own.
Language Arts 8E and 8F - Oratory assignment #2 is currently being presented in class. You also need to choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech and research it. We will begin working on the draft copies on April 4th, but you need to do your research and show it to me by Wednesday, March 30th. You should have all research completed and with you in class for this date. Get your essay signed, please.
Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Travaillez sur votre projet de patrimoine. (Heritage Fair) Apportez votre recherche que vous avez fait à la maison et tous vos materiels pour travailler sur votre projet en classe la semaine prochaine.