Posted: September 27, 2010
- Get Divisibility Assignment Signed for tomorrow (for homework check & bonus mark)
- 7A: P 103: 10, 12, 13
- Quiz next Wed Oct 6: Operations with Decimals (Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing)
- Finish any overdue Title Pages
- Duotangs will be collected next Wed (Oct 6). Please make sure to check the board for what you should have in it. If you are missing something, get it copied from a friend, check the basket for any missing sheets, or ask myself for them.
Homeroom (7A):
- $1.00 for Terry Fox
- HPV Forms need to be signed & brought back by this Wed.
- If ordering pictures, need to be back in tomorrow (extra $10 to process after the school deadline)