Mr. Dunnett

Welcome to 2 Dunnett's Teacher Page!!

Posted: April 9, 2020

Dear Parents, 

Here are some tips to help your child at home with some reading strategies, this will help them to improve their reading! If you have any questions please feel free to email me! 

Mr Dunnett

File readingstrategiesforparents.docx15.16 KB

Posted: April 8, 2020

Hello Boys and Girls,

I just wanted to give you an update on how Benji is doing. He sure does miss you guys, as do I! 
We hope that you all are washing those hands and staying safe!! 

Mr. Dunnett & Benji 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Art Hub - Easter

Since Easter is approaching us, I thought it would be neat to do this little Art activity. When you finish drawing, please get your parents to email me your pictures so I can see how well you have done!! 

**Remember to stop the video every so often to be able to draw what is being shown!** 

Posted: April 6, 2020

How many of these words can you read? Spell? Use in a story? Look up the meaning of words you don't know, or try making up a game with them!! Have fun- and, Happy Easter!!!


April            basket         bonnet         bouquet      bunny     candy      carrot      celebration    chick     chocolate    collect

colours        cottontail     custom         decorate      dinner      ducks       dye          Easter        egg       family      find 

flowers        gather       ham          hare         hide      holiday     hop      hunt     jelly beans      lamb     marshmallow 

parade       peeps        rabbit        search       spring      tradition      tulips      turkey 

Posted: April 5, 2020

Posted: April 5, 2020

Posted: April 5, 2020

Hi Boys and Girls!

I miss you all so very much!  I hope you are all doing well and finding new and creative ways to stay busy during this pandemic.  
I have been  cleanin lots, reading,  playing many games and taking many walks while social distancing.  It is important for all of you to stay healthy and active during this.  I am excited to give you opportunities to continue learning at home while we are away from each other.  Tomorrow you will be able to check out the 3-5 page for awesome learning opportunities.  I am really excited about this and to be able to stay connected with you all.  

I miss you all so very much!  I cannot wait until we see each other all again.  

Take care and stay safe!

Mr. Dunnett 

Posted: February 22, 2020

A notice went home with each student concerning Spirit Week at Max Aitken (Feb. 24th - Feb. 27th)

Here are the themes for each day of Spirit Week:

Monday Feb. 24th: Jersey Day

Tuesday Feb. 25th: Favorite Character Day / Fanciest Clothes Day

Wednesday Feb. 26th: Pink Shirt Day

Thursday Feb. 27th: Fun In The Sun Day

Posted: February 20, 2020

In science class we have been learning about different types of habitats and how animals can adapt to different climates. With this experiment, students had to put their hand in ice cold water to see how long they could handle it. Then I put their hand in a bag full of shortening to see if they...

Posted: February 8, 2020

On Wednesday February 5th, Mr. Dunnett's grade 4 class and Ms. Barrieau's 3/4 class, had a Dr. Seuss theme afternoon as it was our literacy day! With some help of some middle school girls, we made the students some green...


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Added: Tue, Nov 2 2021


Added: Mon, Oct 25 2021