Mr. Thompson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: June 17, 2021

Lecture / Reading: 15 mins (French) Book chosen from browsing bins today

Jelly Bean Guess contest: A message went home yesterday about a grade 4 fundraiser. Contest ends June 18th.

Library books: Please return all library books. All books must be returned by Friday June 18th

Monday June 21st: Students will be participating in a series of fun, outdoor Phys. Ed. activitites organized by Mr. Flynn.  Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, light clothing are highly recommended.  Tuesday June 22nd is a rain date should the weather be inclement on June 21st

Posted: June 16, 2021

Lecture / Reading: 15 mins (English or French)

Jelly Bean Guess contest: A message went home yesterday about a grade 4 fundraiser. Contest ends June 18th.

Library books: Please return all library books. All books must be returned by Friday June 18th

Monday June 21st: Students will be participating in a series of fun, outdoor Phys. Ed. activitites organized by Mr. Flynn.  Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, light clothing are highly recommended.  Tuesday June 22nd is a rain date should the weather be inclement on June 21st

Posted: June 15, 2021

Lecture / Reading: 15 mins (English or French)

Jelly Bean Guess contest: A message went home with each student today about a grade 4 fundraiser.

Gr. 4 Outdoor Activity Day: Tomorrow, all grade four students will participate in fun outdoor activities from   12:45 - 2:45.     Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, light clothing are highly recommended

Posted: June 14, 2021

Grade 4 Outdoor Activity Day: Wednesday June 16   (12:30 - 2:30 )

All grade four students will be involved in some fun outdoor activities during the afternoon of Wednesday June 16th.  Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, light clothing are all highly recommended!

No other homework this evening.  

Posted: June 11, 2021

A few reminders about our field trip to McDonalds Farm that is scheduled for Monday June 14th:

-students will need to bring snacks

-students will need to bring lots of bottled water

-students will need to bring a bagged lunch ( a lunch not requiring heating)

-students will need to dress for the weather (layers of clothing is suggested)

-students will need to bring his/her own sunscreen and insect repellant

-students will need to bring a backpack to carry everything

-students are permitted to bring a camera for photos

-students are asked not to bring money or electronic games


Bus leaves Max Aitken Academy at 9am sharp and will be back at the school at approximately 2pm.  Students will be dismissed at 3pm as per our regular dismissal routines.


Posted: June 10, 2021

Math: Pratiquez les tables de multiplication (1-9)

Lecture: (15 mins.) English book chosen from library today OR S.O.R.A selection OR chapter book at home

Field trip form : Last chance to return field trip permission slip

Posted: June 9, 2021

Math: Complétez les problèmes #1, #2 (feuille de travail / Worksheet)

Lecture: (15 mins.) French book chosen from in-class browsing bins today

Library: Please return all library books for our library period tomorrow.  All library books due back at this time.

Student Appreciation Day: Tomorrow, a pancake/sausage meal will be available to all students as part of Student Appreciation Day 2021.  The cafeteria will not be offering any other items tomorrow so a bagged lunch would be needed for those students who don't enjoy pancakes/sausages.

Field trip form: A year-end field trip permission form went home with each student last week. Please sign and return the form should you wish your child to participate in this activity

Science: Students are encouraged to bring rubber boots to school for our upcoming outdoor exploration activities

Posted: June 9, 2021

Math: Complétez les problèmes #1, #2 (feuille de travail / Worksheet)

Lecture: (15 mins.) French book chosen from in-class browsing bins today

Library: Please return all library books for our library period tomorrow.  All library books due back at this time.

Student Appreciation Day: Tomorrow, a pancake/sausage meal will be available to all students as part of Student Appreciation Day 2021.  The cafeteria will not be offering any other items tomorrow so a bagged lunch would be needed for those students who don't enjoy pancakes/sausages.

Field trip form: A year-end field trip permission form went home with each student last week. Please sign and return the form should you wish your child to participate in this activity

Science: Students are encouraged to bring rubber boots to school for our upcoming outdoor exploration activities

Posted: June 8, 2021

Field trip form: A year-end field trip permission form went home with each student last week. Please sign and return the form should you wish your child to participate in this activity

Science: Students are encouraged to bring rubber boots to school for our upcoming outdoor exploration activities

Posted: June 3, 2021

Field trip form: A year-end field trip permission form went home with each student earlier this week. Please sign and return the form should you wish your child to participate in this activity

Math: Test (Tables 1-9 , Problèmes à résoudre)

Lecture /Reading (English) 15 mins.   Library book chosen today OR S.O.R.A. selection OR chapter book at home

Sistema Music Programme: Application form due back by Friday June 4th

Science: Students are encouraged to bring rubber boots to school for our upcoming outdoor exploration activities

Spelling quizzes: Spelling quizzes (English and French) are on Fridays.  This is not a homework assignment as we will be practicing the words daily prior to the date of the quiz.
