Mr. Thompson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 13, 2021

Math: Complétez la feuille de travail / Worksheet (both sides )  Soustraire des nombrers à 4 chiffres

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): (English ) Library book OR A book from S.O.R.A.  (virtual library) OR A selection from Junie B. Jones or Wimpy Kid books available in class OR A chapter book at home

Diving into the Decades (optional) Try some questions on the handout provided today (Sports and Entertainment )

Notice to parents: A message went home with each student today re: Provincial Reading Assessments

Posted: April 12, 2021

Math: Complétez la feuille de travail (#1, #3, #4, #5 ) - Soustraire des nombrers à 3 chiffres

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): French: Read"Trouver des renseignements' and complete comprehension questions

P/T Conference forms: A notice to those parents who requested a parent / teacher telephone conference went home today with your child.  The date and time of your conference is indicated on the notice. Thanks.

Posted: April 8, 2021

Math: Complétez #6-9 p. 58 (Résolution de problèmes: Additionner des nombres à quatre chiffres)

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): English: Library book chosen today OR  S.O.R.A. selection (virtual library) OR chapter book at home OR Junie B. Jones book from classroom selections  OR Diary of a Wimpy Kid book from classroom selections

MAA Cafeteria: Dining Around the World: An order form went home today with each child. Due back by April 12th

Sports Jersey Day: Tomorrow, Friday April 9th students are encouraged to wear a sports jersey to support Elsipogtog Kraft Hockeyville campaign

Report Card: Please return report card envelope, signed portion of report card and the parent/teacher telephone conference request form if you haven't done so already. Thanks!

Posted: April 7, 2021

Report Card: Term two report card was issued today. Please sign and return the report card. Also, please select a time/date for our upcoming parent/teacher telephone conferences on the parent/teacher conference form enclosed in the report card envelope, and, please return the report card envelope itself. Thanks.

Math: Complétez la feuille de travail (additionner des nombres à 4 chiffres)

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): French: Book chosen from classroom bins today

Library: Return library books for tomorrow's book exchange time

Sports Jersey Day: Friday April 9th to support Elsipogtog Kraft Hockeyville campaign

Posted: April 6, 2021

Math: Complétez la feuille de travail (additionner des nombres à 3 chiffres)

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): English: Library book from last week OR S.O.R.A. (virtual library selection) OR Junie B. Jones book OR chapter book at home

Posted: March 31, 2021

Math: Complétez #4, 6 page 36 

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): French: Re-read/practice lines for tomorrow's Théâtre des lecteurs (Readers's Theatre) presentation

Library books: Please return library books for tomorrow's book exchange time

Posted: March 30, 2021

Math: Complétez #1 3, 4, 5, 6 page 158 

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): English: SORA selection (virtual library) OR Junie B. Jones book number two OR Chapter book at home OR Library book from last week

Posted: March 29, 2021

Math: Complétez la feuille de travail/Worksheet (Estimer/Mesurer l'Aire) et pratiquez les tables de multiplication (1-9) 

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): French: Selection 'Le Recyclage' et questions

Special Easter meal: The Easter Meal order form that went home last week is due tomorrow

Posted: March 25, 2021

Desk Clean-up: Today was the last day of term two. Our final school term begins on Monday March 29th.  Students were asked to organize their desk and take home all notebooks, worksheets, etc from term two.  Students were asked to leave pencils, rulers, markers, etc in the desk as they will be needed going forward. Students will be given new duo-tangs for each academic subject next week for the final term. You may want to take a look at your child's notebooks as the notebooks contain frequent day-to-day and week-by-week feedback from the teacher to the student.  Tests and quizzes held during the term were also kept in the notebooks.                      Please note: Students may accidently have taken home materials that should have been left at school (eg. scissors, rulers, crayons, dictionary, etc ) or classroom/library reading books or other materials. Please have your child return those items on Monday should that have been the case.  

Easter Lunch Special: An order form from the school cafeteria went home with each child today.  It is due back by Tuesday March 30th for those wishing to order this special meal.

Diorama: Students have been given an additional day, Monday March 29th, to complete their diorama project.  All work is being completed at school.

Posted: March 24, 2021

Math: Complétez #1 de la photocopie (L'aire) 

Lecture/Reading (15 mins.): French: Re-read your Reader's Theatre script

Library: Please return library books for our book exchange period tomorrow

Pyjama / Hat Day: There is a school-wide fundraiser tomorrow, Thursday March 25th  ($1 or $2 to participate )

Diorama Book Report: : Students began a diorama book report on a Junie B. Jones book that they were recently assigned to read.  The project was introduced last week and the elements were explained in detail. Most materials required for the diorama project will be provided at school, however, students are welcome to bring inexpensive odds and ends from home that they feel might enhance the final product. Project due: Thursday March 25th.

Pizza Party: Our class won a class pizza party as part of the prizes awarded during the MAA St. Pats Day activities last week. We will be having the pizza party tomorrow Thursday, March 25th.  The pizza will be served at noon, so students won't need a lunch on that day, but will still need a recess treat if they typically bring a recess treat.
