Posted: October 24, 2016
Please see attached assignment
Posted: October 24, 2016
Please see attached assignment
Posted: October 24, 2016
Page 18 - 1, 3, 5
**Remember to use the bottom of page 17 to help with #1, and questions 3 and 5 are only asking for the expression; do not put in an 'equals' sign or try to solve Ex: Double a number and add three --> 2n +3
Posted: October 19, 2016
You may have 2-3 students per computer
1. Go to the following site and watch 4 videos on rockets:
2. In your duotang, list three things you already knew and they mentioned in the videos.
3. List 4 things you learned from the videos that you didn't know before.
4. List 5 vocabulary words you feel would be important to know the definition of.
5. Define each of the words in your duotang.
Posted: September 28, 2016
7A Math - Friday Sept 30th, 2016: You may navigate through the games on this page (only) for this Math class
Posted: September 28, 2016
PowerPoint due this Friday (Sept 30)
Posted: September 28, 2016
Integer Quiz Review today and Quiz is tomorrow (Thurs Sept 29)
Posted: June 13, 2016
Grade 8 will write their district Math assessment tomorrow afternoon. Any questions about the review, please see me during enhancement in the morning.
Posted: June 6, 2016
For this class, you are to go to the following site and complete as many of the Food Safety activities as you can.
You will be given a mark for behavior and work ethic.
Posted: May 9, 2016
Gr. 6 Tech 2: - PowerPoint was due last Friday. Complete and save to your Student 'H' drive ASAP if you haven't already. - Shop/Equipment Safety sheets should be complete by end of class tomorrow. - Wear close-toe shoes to class for the next three weeks. - Outline needs to be signed before going in the shop.
Gr. 7 Tech 2: - 2 Technical drawings should be complete, in duotang, and handed in before this Friday. - 3D designs are to be completed by the end of next class (Wed., May 11th). Outlines signed ASAP.
Gr. 8 Tech 2: - Red Balloons are to be complete by end of class Tues and launch is tentatively scheduled for Wed. May 11th (Day 6). Waivers must be handed in by this time or you will not be able to leave school property to retrieve your balloon. - Orange Balloons complete by Tues May 17th with Launch tentatively set for Tues., May 24th. (Orange will be doing a bit of Health during this time as well).
Gr. 8B Math: - %/Rate/Ratio Assignment due tomorrow. - 'Equations with Variables' sheet due Wed. May 11th. - Linear Equations Test tentatively set for Tues. May 17th.
Posted: April 12, 2016