Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science

Please return signed report card.

Sciences: Variables & Microorganisms Lab and report; Sign corrected rubric #2 for Hack-o-ween report


Grade 6: Sign Quiz and do corrections: Continue Order of Operations. Begin plotting points, shape & space.

Grade 7: Sign Unit Test, Continue Mean, Median and Mode 

Math Antics, Order of Operations: 

Math Antics, Mean, Median and Mode:

See duotang for lists of text pages

Collaboration: Career Fair Day on Wednesday (invited guests will speak to students).

Students will choose the career in Energy they will pursue in this project and begin research.

Skating for 6/7E Thursday. No school for students on Friday. Parent and Teacher Thursday evening 4-6pm and Friday morning 9-11:30am. 

Sciences: MAA STEM Challenge in class on Wednesday, Variables & Prep for Microorganisms Lab; Sign corrected rubric #2 for Hack-o-ween report


Grade 6: Sign Quiz and do corrections: Continue Order of Operations

Grade 7: Sign Unit Test, Continue Order of Operations & Mean, Median and Mode

Math Antics, Order of Operations: 

Math Antics, Mean, Median and Mode:

See duotang for lists of text pages

Collaboration: Students will choose the career in Energy they will pursue in this project and begin research.

Skating for 6E Thursday. No school for students on Friday.

Sciences: Variables & Prep for Microorganisms Lab; Sign corrected rubric for Hack-o-ween project


Grade 6: Quiz, Corrections for Quiz and begin study of Order of Operations

Grade 7: Order of Operations & Mean, Median and Mode

Math Antics, Order of Operations: 

See duotang for lists of text pages

Collaboration: Students will choose the career in Energy they will pursue in this project and begin research.

Skating for 6/7E Tuesday.


STEM: All about Hack-o-ween!  Reports for this project are due by Thursday. Please pass in blue duotangs to Ms Barrieau's desk.

Math: Math goals have been ADJUSTED a bit.

Most 6th graders should complete their quiz this week and move onto Order of Operations, with text pages listed in their duotangs. Révision de quiz- Corrections

Most 7th graders will finish pages 69, 71, 79 and start the unit test revision.

Collaboration: Students will choose the career in Energy they will pursue in this project. 

Last week:

*All grade 7s have completed their Quiz 1 for N6 and have received a mark. Please complete corrections to earn 1/2 marks back.


Skating for 6E Tuesday.

No school for students on Friday.

STEM: Students will be finishing up their Hack-o-ween circular coding project packets and reflection. Stay tuned to the facebook page for photos and video of our Hack-o-ween showcase!

 Math: New Math goals have been formulated. The general goal for most students will be...

Grade 6- pages 61, 65 + corrections. Quiz revision and quiz completed by Thursday, November 10th. 

Grade 7- Quiz révision + Quiz, p 69, 71, 79 by Thursday, November 10th. 

(See math duotangs for details)

*All grade 7s have completed their Quiz 1 for N6 and have received a mark. Please complete corrections to earn 1/2 marks back.

STEM: Students will be finishing up their Hack-o-ween circular coding project packets and reflection. Stay tuned to the facebook page for photos and video of our Hack-o-ween showcase!

 Math: New Math goals will be formulated this week. The general goal for most students will be...

Grade 6- pages 61, 65 + corrections. Quiz revision and quiz completed by Thursday, November 10th. 

Grade 7- Quiz révision + Quiz, p 69, 71, 79 by Thursday, November 10th. 


Posted: October 26, 2022

Le son, par Miras; Les lumières par Mikaiah

Posted: October 24, 2022

This week is all about Hack-o-ween in STEM!
Vidéo pour coder les b.boards: 


Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Dec 21 2024


Added: Sun, Jan 8 2023


Grade 6 Revision w Answers- Ch 5 Fractions ENGLISH
Grade 6 Revision w Answers- Ch 5 Fractions
Révision de test- 7ième- Mod 5- Additionner les fractions
Test Revision- 6M- Fractions- English