Posted: March 8, 2021
Ms. Sutherland
Posted: February 19, 2021
Winter carnival activities will take place all next week at school. Please make sure your student is sent to school with appropriate clothing for going outside.
Posted: February 19, 2021
Posted: February 8, 2021
Posted: February 8, 2021
Posted: February 1, 2021
Posted: February 1, 2021
Posted: February 1, 2021
Posted: January 26, 2021
Today we played sound detectives looking for words with 'le son i.' Watch this video at home and practice finding words around you!
Posted: January 25, 2021
Bonjour à toutes et tous! Here is your update for this week:
** February 1 is now a normal school day **
Homework for this week:
Read every night
Practice words
Watch/listen to French content for 10 minutes a day (streaming sites, radio stations, tv)
Grade 1 – practice counting backwards from 20 to 1
Grade 2 – practice counting money (dimes and nickels) or counting by 10s and 5s
Some reminders:
If your child needs a fork or a spoon, please send one with them. They are supplied if they are ordering items for lunch, but they cannot go to the cafeteria to get a fork or spoon. I have been buying them to hand out, and will continue to have them in case you forget, but I’ve been going through a lot lately the past few weeks.
We are still in orange, and your students have been great at remember to wear their masks during the day. Make sure that they have a spare. We are playing outside for recess this week, and they sometimes get wet outside.
We have outdoor recess every day that it’s not too cold. Make sure your student has everything they need to play outside.
Have a great week everyone!