Home Learning - Le 8 novembre

Posted: November 8, 2021

Good Monday morning!
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui! 


  •  Words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (practice spelling and meaning, we will use them in a sentence later this week)
  • Sounds to practice/review : è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est, (use the correct one to answer the questions below)
           1)      Je suis caché dans les mots suivants : b__ge, p___gne et n___ge. Qui suis-je ?
           2)      La fête du 25 décembre ne peut pas s’écrire sans moi. Qui suis-je ?
  • Boukili (online): Read at your appropriate level. You can record yourself reading books from any of the levels at any time. 
     Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.


  • Review numbers 1-500, counting up or down from a random number (ex. starting at 151, ending at 199)
  • Create a pattern. Document your work. (You can use objects from home, draw a pattern, use words, etc)
  • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 8 novembre" or any of the previous assignments not yet finished (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment)
  • Problème du jour: Il y a 36 oiseaux qui volent au sud pour l’hiver. Puis 19 oiseaux vont les rejoindre. Maintenant, il y a combien d’oiseaux ?

Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.


Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work! : https://forms.gle/Gd4NmESV8x92RU388

Passe une très bonne journée mes amis!
Mme Comeau 


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