Le 4 novembre 2021

Posted: November 4, 2021


Bonjour classe! C'est le 4 novembre. Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:



·      Reviewing the ‘o/au/eau’ sound. You can print it out to complete it or write your answers out on paper. Click here

http://maa.nbed.nb.ca/sites/maa.nbed.nb.ca/files/doc//y2021/Nov/le_son_o.pdf ) for the assignment.

·      Boukili (online): A new book has been assigned to you. You may also record yourself (if you have the app) reading that book or any other on the books available to you. Code: pwezf8

·      Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.



·      Review numbers 1-500, counting on from a random number (ex. starting at 151)

·      Review written numbers to 100.

·      Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 3 novembre" (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment). A new assignment will be available tomorrow.

·      Problème du jour: Aujourd’hui, c’est le jour 41. Combien de jours reste-t-il avant le 100e jour d’ecole ?(Show your work & keep it to bring back to school. You should have the date and your name on all of your work)

·      Create a subtraction word problem. You can write it out (in French – try your best!) and use pictures to help if needed.


Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.



Please complete our daily check-in, here, once you have competed today’s work!

Mme Comeau