Posted: January 11, 2022
Bonne Année !
Aujourd’hui, c’est le mardi 11 janvier, 2022.
Nombre du jour : 69
Every day, you will have specific sheets from your at-home learning package to complete. Additionally, you must read a minimum of one book on Je lis, Je lis (online) each day & fill in your reading log. I ask that you record yourself reading twice a week.
For those who are able to work online, there will be videos posted occasionally for math or literacy and instruction provided. Do your best to watch these videos, as hearing words and concepts explained helps with your learning.
Today's assignments from your home learning:
- Problème du jour - Do the problems of the day for Lundi and Mardi (lundi is a pattern & mardi is putting the numbers in order)
- Orthographe : leçon 6 (This is the sheets we had been doing for homework before the break.)
- Math - "Additionner des nombres à 2 chiffres" worksheet. You can practice adding two digit numbers together for today. There is an example at the top of the page that shows the 2 different ways we have looked at adding 2 digit numbers together.
There will be one Zorbit assignment per week that you can complete at your own convenience. (on the app on iPad or chrome browser)
Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active! There is also a “Drop Everything and Move” sheet at the back of your home learning pack from Mr. Flynn.
Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!
* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.
* Your participation is noted
Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work! : click here
Bonne journée!
- Mme Taylor