Le 25 janvier

Posted: January 25, 2022

Bonjour classe ! Aujourd’hui, c’est le mardi 25 janvier, 2022
Nombre du jour : 79

Today's assignments from your home learning:

  • Reading & complete reading log
  • Problème du jour - Do the problem of the day for mardi – semaine 3
  • Les pronoms : Replace the person/place/thing with il, elle, nous, ils or elles
  • Encerclez tout ce qui correspond à la saison indiquée : circle everything that goes with the given season for each number.
  • Orthographe, leçon 10 : (1) write the number word next to the number given, (2) write out the number based on each hint for a-e, (3) Write a sentence using each word.
  • Math: On the frog, put the proper math symbol to make the question make sense.
  • Comparison : use the symbol  < (less than), > (greater than), or = (equal to) to answer the following questions.
  • Écris les nombres dans leur forme normale : write the numbers in their standard form
  • The new zorbits assignment for the week is only to work on when you have completed all of your other work for the day. Here are a couple video to help review multiplying with 2 times tables and 3 times tables.

Remember: When multiplying, think of the symbol ‘x’ as the words ‘groups of’.

Ex: 3x2 « trois groupes de deux = 2+2+2 » = 6

Don’t forget to read at least one book on Je lis, Je lis (online) each day & fill in your reading log & record yourself reading twice a week.

Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active! There is also a “Drop Everything and Move” sheet from the back of your first home learning pack from Mr. Flynn.

Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!

Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work! : click here 

Bonne journée!

- Mme Taylor            crystal.taylor@nbed.nb.ca