Mme. Comeau

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023

Posted: December 12, 2018


Thu, Dec 13/18 12:30 pm

Our class will be visitng the MAA Young Entrepeneurs Holiday Market right after lunch recess tomorrow.
We have already looked at the posters advertising items they will have at the market and now the students (and public) will have the opportunity to purchase these items. If you'd like to send money with your child, items range from $0.50-$10.00. (Things like slime, bracelets, necklaces, bath bombs, candles, ornaments, ect.)

Posted: November 15, 2018

What a better, or more Canadian, place to celebrate National Jersey Day! Everyone did amazing skating today! Can't wait to do it again!

Posted: November 5, 2018

Our class has been working very hard these past couple months, and your child should have a great start to their journey with the French language.

So far, some of the concepts our class has worked on are:
- Introducing themselves (and others) orally, while also reading books and writing sentences that go along with this unit.
- About 40 french sight words
- 12 French sounds (each with it's own story, song & action)
- Daily survival phrases (asking to go to the bathroom, fountain, get their sweater, etc.)
- Counting, in French, to 20, forward & backward
- Skip counting by 2s
- 2D & 3D shape names, as well as sorting them into groups
- Creating, extending and representing patterns in a variety of ways.
 Being respecful learners, good listeners, hard workers, keeping our hands to ourselves, playing safe, trying our best and taking risks in order to learn!

We've only just begun, but things are moving right along! Bravo!

Posted: November 5, 2018


Mon, Nov 12/18 4:43 pm

Posted: November 5, 2018


Fri, Nov 9/18 8:00 am

No school for students!
Teachers will be involved in professional learning sesions, as well as, working on report cards this day.

Posted: November 5, 2018


Thu, Nov 8/18 (All day)

We will be having a Remembrance Day Ceremony in our gym.

Posted: November 5, 2018


Thu, Nov 15/18 4:00 pm

Scholastic flyers went home Nov. 5th with the due date of the 15th. You may order online at or send in the form with the correct change, up until the evening of the 15th.

*Send me an email or note if you'd like to order something as a surprise/birthday/Christmas gift and I we can arrange for you to get it without your child seeing.

Every order earns "scholastic cash" for books for our class!

Posted: October 15, 2018

Just a few reminders:
 - The weather is changing and students play outside two times each day (10:15am & 12:00pm.) Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather.
 - Our class will be skating one month from today. This gives you time to dig out their skates and helmets to check if they still fit, if they need new ones, or if we need to check the extras at the school to see if any will fit your child. Please send a note with your child's skate size if I will need to go fit them for school skates. (It may take me a few days to find a spare minute to do so.)
 - Book orders for this month are due Thursday, Oct 18th. I will place the order Friday. You can order & pay online or send in the form with the $/cheque.
 - Student supply fees were due in September ($50) if anyone has not yet paid, could you please do so.

* If you could send a change of clothes for your child, it could be helpful in all kinds of situations. (fall in a puddle, spill food/drink, bathroom accident & rips happen)*

Posted: October 15, 2018


Mon, Oct 22/18 8:45 am

All tickets, sold & unsold, must be turned in on October 22nd, 2018
The draw will take place the 25th! Good luck!

Posted: October 15, 2018


Wed, Oct 31/18 9:00 am


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Added: Thu, Jan 27 2022