Mme. Comeau Notes

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023


***************************** 2024 - 2025 *********************************

****************3e année***********************Grade 3********************


Posted: January 28, 2022

C'est vendredi et nous sommes face à face à l'école lundi! Youppi!

Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 3 vendredi (Math problem of the day)
3) LITERACY – Orthographe (use the letters to write as many french words as you can on the lines below)
4) LITERACY - Compréhension de lecture (Put an X on the photo where Sophie and Marco are. You must read the hints to find them.)
5) LITERACY – Je lis, je dessine (Everyone should be familiar with these by now)
6) MATH – Comparaison (Count the number of dice in each group and compare them to the group beside them using <,>,=)
7) MATH - Soustractions de nombres à trois chiffres ("Old school straight subtraction practice. Subtract the units, then the tens, then the hundreds.) 2 pages.
8) ART - For art today you may try your hand at paper sculptures (watch this link to see how simple they are.)
9) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
10) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

Posted: January 27, 2022

Ouff ! Il fait froid aujourd’hui ! Stay warm guys!

Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui, le jeudi, 27 janvier, 2022:

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 3 jeudi (Math problem of the day)
3) LITERACY – "Le verbe" (Write the correct verb under the photo of that action)
"La nourriture et les repas" (Circle the group that the photo belongs to. ex: photo of a carrot - circle "les légumes")
5) LITERACY – Orthographe: Leçon 11 (adjectives focused)
6) MATH – Complète les suites (complete the patterns and write the rule) 
7) MATH - Additions des nombres à trois chiffres (3 digit addition - example at the top) 2 pages of practice
8) Daily Check-in form: Click here
9) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)

* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Mme Comeau

Posted: January 26, 2022

It’s “Bell Let’s Talk Day” today. This is a day to recognize mental health as an important part of everyone’s overall health. I am including a link to a quick 5 minute meditation video that we did in class this morning. It was very relaxing to get the day started in a calm mood. Try it out here!

Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 3 mercredi (Math problem of the day)
3) LITERACY – Les lettres muettes (Label the animals using the words in the list. Pay attention to the silent letters when you read the animal names.)
4) LITERACY – La phrase (Sentences are mixed up, reorder the words to make them make sense.)
5) LITERACY – Compréhension de lecture (Maya made a grocery list for her son, circle the food items on her list.) 
6) MATH – Soustractions (Fairly easy subtraction sheet)
7) MATH - Statistique (Answer the questions at the bottom, using the pictograph)
8) MATH –
Dictée des nimbres (Listen to Mme Taylor say the numbers (here) and write them on the sheet provided. First part is write the number ex: 458, second part is write the number in words ex: deux cent dix)
9) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
10) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Mme Comeau

Posted: January 25, 2022

Happy Monday!
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 3 mardi (Math problem of the day)
3) LITERACY – Les pronoms (Replace the person/persons in the sentence with il, elle, nous, ils, elles)
4) LITERACY – Les saisons (circle all the photos and words that go with the season for each section)
5) LITERACY – Orthographe leçon 10 (1 – write the number in words, 2- given the hint write the number in words, 3 - use the words in a sentence.) 
6) MATH – Choix de l’opération (Choose the correct operation…write a + in the frog’s belly if it’s an adding question, a – if it’s a subtraction question)
7) MATH - Comparaison (Compare the two numbers in each question. Use the <, >, = signs)
8) MATH –
Écrire les nombres (Write the number in normal form, ex: 259)
9) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
10) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Posted: January 24, 2022

Happy Monday!
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 3 lundi (Math problem of the day)
3) LITERACY - Le verbe (match the verbe to the correct photo)

4) LITERACY - Les jours, les mois, les saisons (#1 write the answer, spelling is not important, do your best. #2 vrai ou faux - true or false)
5) LITERACY - Je lis, je dessine (Read the instructions and do what they say) 
6) MATH - Complète les suites (finish the patterns)
7) MATH - Additions et soustractions (Practice using a number line, solve the math questions)
8) MATH - Association soustraction/réponse (draw a line from the question to the correct answer.)
9) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
10) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.


Posted: January 21, 2022

Le 21 janvier

Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (
Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 vendredi (Math problem of the day)
3) "Les homophones" sheet (Homophones are words that sound the same but are written differently and have a different meaning)
4) "Les synonymes" sheet (Synonyms are different words that mean the same thing. Great! Awesome!)
5) Math - "L'écriture des nombres" (Match up the word to the number and then write the number in word form for number 2)
6) Art -
 Shark Craft made fo paper or Drawing fun
7) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
8) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
* Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Happy Friday! Have a good weekend!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 20, 2022

Le 20 janvier

Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (
Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 jeudi (Math problem of the day)
Orthographe leçon 9. (Vocabulaire de famille)
4) Je lis, je dessine (submarine picture - follow the directions)
5) Math - "Fraction of a whole check-in" sheet. (the numerator - number on top is the number of shaded areas, the bottom is how many parts there are all together) 
6) Daily Check-in form: 
Click here
7) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
8) Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on 
Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Have a terrific Thursday!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 19, 2022

Bonjour mes amis de 3ième année!

Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 mercredi (Math problem of the day)
3) "Les mots pour se situer" sheets (2 pages) (Pg. 1 requires an X where the sentence explains to place it; pg 2 you must follow the instructions and add what it says to the photo at the bottom. HINT: tremplin = diving board)
4) "Le verbe" sheet (Fill in the blanks with the correct verb using the verbs they give you at the top)
5) Math - "Soustraire des nombres à 2 chiffres" sheet. (Look over the explanation and try the subtraction questions at the bottom of the page.) 
6) Daily Check-in form: Click here
7) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
8) Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.
*If you can't understand what to do on a sheet, I will post a video after 9:15am (as that is the only time I am not teaching).

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 18, 2022

Bonjour classe!!! 
Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 mardi (Math problem of the day)
3) L’histoire « Louis et Mika » et questions de compréhension – jour 2 (I read the story yesterday- here. Today you can read it on your own and then answer the next 3 questions.
4) Orthographe leçon 8. (Vocabulaire de l'école)
5) Math - "Les fractions" sheet. We have discussed briefly what fractions are. This is an introductory worksheet to try. 
6) Daily Check-in form: Click here
7) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
8) Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Have a terrific Tuesday!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 17, 2022

J’espère que vous avez passé une très bonne fin de semaine !
Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 lundi (Math problem of the day)
3) "Les formes de phrases" (Is the sentence positive or negative?)
4)"Les cycle du temps" sheet (Measuring time: years, days, hours etc.)
5) L’histoire « Louis et Mika » et questions de compréhension – jour 1 (Read story and answer the first three compréhension questions) Click here to hear Mme read it to you.
6) Daily Check-in form: Click here
7) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
8) Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Have a great Monday!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 14, 2022

Ces't Vendredi! 
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture & journal de lecture (Read a book and do the reading log entry for today 
2) Problème du jour for vendredi (Math problem of the day - they give you the answer, you need to write 6 possible questions)
3) "Je lis, je dessine" Reading comprehension sheet. (Read the instructions and draw or colour appropriately)
4) "L'ordre alphabétique" Worksheet. (Putting words and letters of a word in alphabetical order,  #6 ask you of the sentence is true or false circle the corerct response) *Here is a video if you need help putting things in alphabetical order.
5) Math sheet (4 questions)
6) Art - Art Hub drawing (click here) The link takes you to a doctor or nurse drawing, but you may choose any 'community helper' fromt he side menu.
7) Daily Check-in to let me know how things are going! 

*Don't forget to move your body today, for at least 30 minutes! Eating healthy and getting lots of sleep are also important to staying healthy for adults and kids alike!

As always, send me a message if you have any question or concerns!
KEEP all work together withyour name on every page. It will be needed when we return.

I miss you all! Have a great weekend with your family bubble!
Mme Comeau

Posted: January 13, 2022

Bonjour mes amis!
 C'est le jeudi 13 janvier 2022 et il fait plus chaud dehors aujourd'hui!

Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture et journal de lecture (reading & reading log entry)
2) Problème du jour - jeudi (problem of the day)
3) Orthographe : leçon 7 (les jour de la semaine/days of the week practice)
4) Maths : Questions 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
5) Daily Check-in form: here

*You can always review your sight word list (in the packet you have the grade 1 list which you should know VERY WELL, and I have the grade 2 list in the documents' section. Click here to see it.)
*Mr. Flynn's January challenge activity (Should be getting AT LEAST 30 minutes of movement!)
* Check Mr. Flynn's page, Mrs. Gallant's page for other activities

There is a ZORBITS assignment each week that you may do at your convenience. You may at anytime also work on LALILO, and read extra books on BOUKILI.
Keep ALL work you've done and have it ready to pass in when we return to school. If you do not return any work you will be marked absent for these days of at home learning.

Have a  great day!
Mme Comeau (

Posted: January 12, 2022

Bon matin/Good morning!

  It's Wednesday of the first week of Home Learning! You've got this 1/4 done already! Keep up the good work from yesterday.
Here are today's assignments (In the learning packet):

1) Daily Reading Log (read a French book - Use Boukili or if you can't access it, another book you have or from the library, on Tumble books, etc)
2) Daily Math question for Janivier (mercredi - word problem)
3) "Les adjectifs" - worksheet on adjectives (describing words)
4) Dictée des mots. (Listen to this audio file and write each word on the sheet provided (has a picture of a sheep and a fish on the bottom. You can pause the audio file, listen to it as many times as you'd like, and then write the word how you think they sound.)
5) Math Sheet (Do your best to complete the addition sheet for today.)

Do your daily check-in :

Watch my teacher page for a video that I will post shortly explaining today's worksheets.

As always contact me with any questions.

Mme Comeau
