Mme. Comeau Notes

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023


Posted: January 11, 2021


  • Student will have a book to read each night. (It is very important that they read a book each night to continue the practice we do in class.)
  • Practice skip counting by 5s. This can be done many ways:
    - Have your child count items by 5s and see if they got the correct amount.
    - Have your child write down the numbers, counting by 5s only, from any given multiple of 5 (5, 10, 15) up to another. (We go up to 100)
    - Create a fill in the blanks of skip counting and have your child fill in the blanks. (5, 10, ___, 20, 25, ___.)
     * It would be very helpful if they could do these tasks in French, right away, but if this is difficult, know that the skill is transferable (so they can solidify the French number names after they have learned how to skip count and what the pattern is.)

 *Some student may also have a small baggie of sight words they should know by now. They should practice these as much as possible. (There is a powerpoint under "documents" that reads the words aloud for the student if they aren't sure.

Posted: December 10, 2020

Reminder that we are recording our songs for the Christmas Concert tomorrow morning (First thing! Friday Dec. 11)

Students can dress as they would normally, but they are asked to also bring a hat and mittens, scarf, earmuffs, etc, for one of their songs.

Posted: October 7, 2020

We have started off this year reviewing the sounds from grade 1. Most importantly the vowels!
This link will take you to a youtube playlist of all of the vowel songs we have practiced.
(Plus, é and è which we are doing over the next few school days.)

Posted: October 7, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

I just wanted to send off a quick note that the homework copied in your child's 1/2 notebook labelled "Devoirs" is written for the week. They have until Friday morning to finish that work, unless otherwise stated. (Hopefully this helps if children are in swimming, dance, hockey, etc.) 
We have started slow with practicing number recognition and, this week, a couple sheets of printing practice.
Soon we will add reading homework (Guided reading books should be read daily & returned to school each day). 

Reminders: Please know that whatever is sent home has always been gone over/reviewed/read already in class and your child should know what to do, if they were being good listeners. (Which they would be!)

Ways to practice numbers 1 to 50
 - Point to or write down a random number and have your child name it (reference the chart of numbers & their names in the homework folder)
 - (if you can say they numbers in French) Say the number and have your child write it, or point to it.
 - Have your child count forward & backwards, starting at different numbers.
 - Click on this link and have your child sing and watch the "worm song" 

Posted: September 16, 2020

*Welcome/Bienvenue to the 2020-2021 school year!*

I am so excited to watch this group of students learn and grow!
Check bach here each week for reminders, photos, links, important documents and other information!


Posted: May 13, 2020

If I didn't get to speak with you last week, I will be calling this week! (Or already have) I love hearing what you've all been up to since we last spoke. 

Please send me photos and videos of all the exciting things you've been doing and also of any work you'd like to share.

You can find this week's activities grid here.

Over the last couple of weeks, I sent everyone a list of sight words that your child was still having trouble after the Christmas holidays. If they are comfortable reading those words now, they may move onto the next list of words. (Not all were introduced yet, when we left the classroom, but if they feel like they want to challenge themselves; choose 7-10 words per week to practice reading. Spelling by heart is not the goal, just familiarizing themselves and being able to read the word.) I will try to upload a list of words each week using the words in a sentence, for meaning. I will also TRY to record myself saying the word and sentence to help with pronounciation. 

I also just sent out passwords for Raz-Kids and assigned each student a book or two (begining levels) to try out the site. If I see your child has gone on and done well, I will then assign them a more challenging level book. Check your email for more information. 

Finally, if I spoke with you last week on the phone, feel free to reply to my emails anytime and I will respond when I get a minute. If you want to chat, I will try to find the time to call you before bedtime. I miss you all!

Talk to you soon!

Posted: May 7, 2020

I was so glad to see that everyone was able to pick up their belongings yesterday! I really wish I could've seen you all in person!

One important thing coming up this weekend is Mother's Day! "La fête des mères"
I will post some helpful vocabulary in case kids want to make a French or bilingual Mother's day card.
 - Along with some fun subtraction activities, creating things for mom is on our Home Learning Activities grid for the week. So don't forget to check it out!

Another note: I shared a powerpoint presentation, found here, that Mme Sharpe had created with the pronounciation of all 157 sight words from our first list. This will come in handy if your child chooses to practice those oh so important words! I did send out a personalized list to each student.

Finally, I love having little chats with 'my kiddos' and I also love seeing photos and videos of what you've all been up to! So, please send those along any time! (and let me know if you'd like to share them on the "Taking it to the Max" page!

Miss you all! Have a great week and weekend!
Mme Comeau


Posted: April 27, 2020

Happy Monday!
 I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather we had yesterday! I know I did! Hopefully we will have many more nice days to come, so that everyone can get outside often!

A couple of things for this week!
1. The "Number Rumble" math competition is over, but you can still play to keep your math skills sharp! Your passwords will be good until June 30th to use M-F between 7am-2pm. 

2. We started the competition with only 20 days left and we ended up finishing 32nd place out of almost 300 classes! Way to go guys and gals! You rock! AND because our class was in the top 10 most active classes on the site for the last week, we won a class prize. I'm not sure what it is yet, but that's amazing! 

3. By now, you all should have received an individualized list of sight words that you had not yet mastered. Focus on those words but practice the whole list if you want (especially when doing the weekly activities and if you want to write sentences/stories!). Get creative and practice your words in fun ways! These are so very important to help with your reading.

4. There is a website link at the bottom of this week's learning activity grid. Storybooks Canada. On this site you can choose a level and a language and begin reading. 
My suggestion is:
          - Ensure the language is set to French
          - Start with level 1 books and move up as they become easy.
          - Listen to the story at least once, then go back and try to read it with the audio off.
          - If you feel you are ready, attempt to read the story (or page) first and then press play to check your pronounciation.

5. If you did a moose drawing from last week's activities, don't forget to put it up in your window so the Moose Hunters can spot it!

6. Check out this week's fun learning opportunities here


Posted: April 22, 2020

Happy Earth Day!
Some things you can do, everyday for the planet:
Cut back on electricity (only use what you absolutely need.)
Reduce the amount of water you use (shorter showers, use a cup or very quick bursts of the tap to brush your teeth.)
Reduce, reuse, recycle (in that order!)

Family activity suggestions:
(when it is safe to do so)
- Clean up litter in an area around your home/neighborhood.
- Plant a garden of vegetables you like to eat.
- Plant wildflowers for the butterflies and the bees!

Posted: April 20, 2020

I hope you are all staying healthy, having some fun and doing some learning!
I really love chatting with you all and will be in touch again real soon! 

  • For our next conversation, I'd love to hear about your favorite thing you've done so far, since we've been out of school!
     - Est-ce que tu fais de l'exercise amusant? 
     - Est-ce que tu as joué des jeux avec ta famille?
     - Est-ce que tu as fait des bricolages ou des pièces d'arts que tu aimes beaucoup?
    Laissez-moi savoir!

Important reminders:

  • Every Monday you can check out the week's home learning activities for K-2 students here. They are really fun! 
    (As French immersion students you should do your best to attempt some of the activities in French.)
  • If possible, have a little chat with classmates (on the phone or through video chats), siblings, parents, or even your pets & stuffed animals can listen!
              - This week: try to discuss what is for supper and if you like it or not.
  • Keep on doing the great work on the 10monkeys math site. Click here and log in to play. (I can send the email with log in info, if you deleted the email I sent a few weeks ago.) NOTE: The activities will be accessible until June 30th but the chance to win a license for our whole school to use the program ends Friday at 2pm, so lets get us a ton of points to get us in the top 20!
  • Try to listen to some French radio or watch French videos/movies/tv shows.
  • Lastly, practice your sight words! I have uploaded the list from grade 1 (click here). We spent the first half of the year reviewing this list. These words should be solid for next year! I will put up the grade 2 words we did discuss in class in a couple of weeks. I have or will be sending you a personalized list of words your child had difficulty with and should focus on.

If you want even more learning ideas, send me an email, I am looking at some apps and websites that could be useful for your child, but don't work too hard. These are different times and no one expects the children to work like they would at school. Read together, be active and try to keep your brain sharp for when we get together again!

Chat soon!
Mme Comeau

Posted: April 6, 2020

Bonjour mes ami(e)s!

I miss all of your smiling faces, your personalities & great stories. I really wish we could be together at school again but for now we have to go on a different learning adventure: learning at home! 

Learning from home can be so much fun! Brennan learned how to change and wash his bed linens last week. He didn't think he could do it at first but after he did, and he was so proud of himself afterward! 

In the coming weeks, I would like to invite you to visit the Max Aitken Academy website (K-2 page), as every Monday morning we will be posting a grid of activities students may choose to try out. 

I'd also like to remind you that these are just some opportunities for learning while stuck at home, they are not mandatory. Students may also be learning through imaginative play, exercise, meal preparation, problem solving, hand-eye coordination, household chores, arts & crafts, etc.
Also, you should have received an email with log in information for your child to participate in the "Number Rumble" math competition, if they so choose. 

Other helpful tips: 
- continue reading (English or French), 
- listen to the French language (change an already familiar movie to French audio, put on French music, listen to the radio, watch a French cartoon...),
- speak French daily (to parents, siblings, pets, stuffed animals...just continue to practice forming French sounds with your mouth/tongue).

Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. My email address is
I will be posting here, on my teacher page as well! So check back!
Sending my love,
Mme Comeau

Posted: February 12, 2020

Students did receive a hard copy of the class list, but I saw a few floating around on the floor, so to be safe I am posting it here and it has already been posted on the "Mme Comeau" page on Facebook.


Posted: September 12, 2019


2è Année

Posted: May 5, 2019

Grade 1 students will be selling freezies for $1 during their outdoor recess this week from 12 -12:30 to go towards the cost of their year-end field trip!! :)

Posted: April 17, 2019

As a fundraiser for the grade 1 end of year trip, students are invited to wear their pyjamas and/or a hat for $1 each!
Hat $1
Pyjama $1
Both $2
