Mme. Comeau Notes

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023


Posted: April 17, 2019

As a fundraiser for the grade 1 end of year trip, students are invited to wear their pyjamas and/or a hat for $1 each!
Hat $1
Pyjama $1
Both $2

Posted: February 5, 2019

With Valentine's Day coming up next week. A list of student names will be sent home tomorrow. 

If treats are sent in on Feb. 14th, please remember we are a nut safe school.

Posted: November 5, 2018

Our class has been working very hard these past couple months, and your child should have a great start to their journey with the French language.

So far, some of the concepts our class has worked on are:
- Introducing themselves (and others) orally, while also reading books and writing sentences that go along with this unit.
- About 40 french sight words
- 12 French sounds (each with it's own story, song & action)
- Daily survival phrases (asking to go to the bathroom, fountain, get their sweater, etc.)
- Counting, in French, to 20, forward & backward
- Skip counting by 2s
- 2D & 3D shape names, as well as sorting them into groups
- Creating, extending and representing patterns in a variety of ways.
 Being respecful learners, good listeners, hard workers, keeping our hands to ourselves, playing safe, trying our best and taking risks in order to learn!

We've only just begun, but things are moving right along! Bravo!

Posted: October 15, 2018

Just a few reminders:
 - The weather is changing and students play outside two times each day (10:15am & 12:00pm.) Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather.
 - Our class will be skating one month from today. This gives you time to dig out their skates and helmets to check if they still fit, if they need new ones, or if we need to check the extras at the school to see if any will fit your child. Please send a note with your child's skate size if I will need to go fit them for school skates. (It may take me a few days to find a spare minute to do so.)
 - Book orders for this month are due Thursday, Oct 18th. I will place the order Friday. You can order & pay online or send in the form with the $/cheque.
 - Student supply fees were due in September ($50) if anyone has not yet paid, could you please do so.

* If you could send a change of clothes for your child, it could be helpful in all kinds of situations. (fall in a puddle, spill food/drink, bathroom accident & rips happen)*

Posted: September 12, 2018

Bienvenue! Welcome! Bienvenue! Welcome! Bienvenue! Welcome!


Posted: January 19, 2018

We started a new system to encourage speaking in French at all times in class.
Students are rewarded with classroom dollars which they can redeem for various coupons/items on select Fridays.
If you see any of these dollars around, encourage your child to bring them to school and leave them here. (I have offered to keep their baggie of "money" for them, but some have opted to keep it with them or in their seat sac.)
I made it very clear that I do not keep track of who has how much and if they lose it before the store opens, it will not be replaced. This is to teach them responsibility, which we discussed several times this week.

We are continuing with new sounds every week, adding many sight words to the word wall (which they should be able to read), counting to 100 daily with a focus on numbers to 50, skip counting by 10s to 100, by 2s to 20 & numbers 1 more than, 2 more than, 1 less than & 2 more than a given number. Students are really starting to create sentences when speaking French and can ask & answer many questions about themselves and others!

With a broadening vocabulary we are really focusing on reading and writing in French and I can't wait to see how they continue to progress.

Bravo mes amis!

Posted: December 8, 2017

- December book orders are due Tuesday, Dec. 12th (No guarantee they will be in before the break but fingers crossed)
- Christmas Concert (K-2) is at 9am Tuesday, Dec. 12th
- Dress for the weather!

Have a great weekend!

Posted: December 4, 2017

Just a reminder that the colder weather is upon us and students go out for 30 minutes, every day, at lunch time. They need snow pants, gloves/mittens, winter jackets and hats every day!
*If these items could be labeled somehow, even better!
(Sometimes students and teachers spend half of the recess looking for these items.)

Thank you! Stay warm!

Posted: November 21, 2017

My sincere apologies, but I forgot to send home the student's wish lists that I tried to jot down when we walked through the book fair today. They all looked at books/activity play sets that they wanted. They ranged from $6-$17 for the most part. Of course they saw lots of items they wanted but I tried to get them to narrow it down to one favorite. They also all loved the small items (pencils, erasers, bookmarks, etc.) which ranged from $0.50-$4.00.

Tomorrow afternoon at 1:10pm our class will go to purchase items. You can send money with your child then or visit the book fair the evening of parent teacher.

Posted: October 30, 2017

Just a note to remind parents/students that:

Tomorrow morning students are to arrive in their costumes ready for the parade/assembly.
Parents are welcome to watch as the classes parade around in their costumes and perform Halloween themed songs :) 

If your child wishes to bring treats in for their classmates, we will be listening to halloween songs and eating a couple treats around 1pm.
Remember we are a NUT FREE school!


Posted: October 18, 2017

Class photos (as a group) will take place tomorrow.

Also retakes and sibling photos are tomorrow!

Bring your best smile! :)

Posted: October 16, 2017

Credit Union School Account forms are due back tomorrow (Oct. 17th)
 - Students who open an account will make their first deposits on the 19th, here at school.

Posted: October 10, 2017

Tonight students should have brought home their little paper 'book' called "Maria".
 - I asked them to read this book for homework. (They have read it multiple times in class and have heard me read it multiple times as well.)
 - This is our first book they've read themselves. (if they struggle, no worries. The purpose of the book is to become familiar with the "Aa" sound.)

 - October book orders are due this week!
 - Picture orders & monies are due tomorrow!
 - School Fundraiser orders & monies are due tomorrow!


Posted: October 6, 2017

This week we...
- increased our number work from 0-10 to 0-20. (Counting forward, recognizing he numbers individually, and we are working on counting backwards.)
- Really focused on the "Aa" sound as in 'Maria'
     +We sang songs and read books that focused on the "a" sound
     + YES they read their first French book on their own!! "Maria" is a very short repetetive book with a focus on the sound 'a'. 
     + Some chose to bring the small paper book home to read this weekend, but it was not homework. They are doing awesome!
- We reviewed all sentence structures to date:
     + Je m'appelle... Il/Elle s'appelle...Comment t'appelle-tu?
     + La date aujourd'hui...
     + Le météo (weather of the day)
     + J'aime/Je n'aime pas...
     + Quel age as-tu? J'ai __ ans.
- We worked on begining sounds of French words (many consonants have similar sounds to English)
- The alphabet
- The 4 seasons
- Thanksgiving "Action de grace"
- "Merci", "S'il vous plait" (Thank you, Please)
- And many classroom routines are still being practiced (Volume level when in class, how to actively listen (with whole body & mind),lining up, walking through the halls, etc...)  

Posted: October 4, 2017

Today the book order for October was sent home with students.
Orders are due back the 11th of October (same day pictures are due back, to make it easier)

If you choose to order something from any of the book order forms, follow these steps:
1. Fill out the order form at the back of the flyer you'd like to order from (or multiple flyers)
   *Note - the prices are in the last column for NB residents
2. Choose how you would like to pay for your child's book(s)
     a) Online at (instructions are at the top of the order form)
     b) Send the exact change to school with your child
     c) Send a cheque payable to "Scholastic Canada"
