Mrs. Richardson Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: September 18, 2019

Homeroom- Advisory Richardson:

  • GAS TICKET FUNDRAISER 2019 has begun, information memo was sent home Friday September 13th.
  • Toonie for Terry: We will be having out Terry Fox Walk on Thursday September 26th and we are asking all students to donate $2.00 to the fundraiser.
  • Becca Told Me To! September 20th is random kindness day in our province.
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.
  • )

Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.


Francais 7/8 L:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.

Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.


Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Students most get their project #1 outlined signed and returned ( Orange sheet). This is now considered way over due.
  • Students have been placed in a group based on what issue they identified as being the most important to them. They are now working on researching their chosen organization and political platforms.

Posted: September 18, 2019

Homeroom- Advisory Richardson:

  • GAS TICKET FUNDRAISER 2019 has begun, information memo was sent home Friday September 13th.
  • Toonie for Terry: We will be having out Terry Fox Walk on Thursday September 26th and we are asking all students to donate $2.00 to the fundraiser.
  • Becca Told Me To! September 20th is random kindness day in our province.
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.
  • )

Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.


Francais 7/8 L:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.

Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.


Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Students most get their project #1 outlined signed and returned ( Orange sheet). This is now considered way over due.
  • Students have been placed in a group based on what issue they identified as being the most important to them. They are now working on researching their chosen organization and political platforms.

Posted: September 17, 2019

Homeroom- Advisory Richardson:

  • GAS TICKET FUNDRAISER 2019 has begun, information memo was sent home Friday September 13th.
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.
  • )

Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.


Francais 7/8 L:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.

Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.


Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Students most get their project #1 outlined signed and returned ( Orange sheet). This is now considered way over due.
  • Students have been placed in a group based on what issue they identified as being the most important to them. They are now working on researching their chosen organization and political platforms. 

Posted: September 11, 2019

Homeroom- Advisory Richardson:

  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Meet the teacher is this Thursday September 12th, 2019 starting at 6pm in the cafeteria.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more
  • information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.

Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.


Francais 7/8 L:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.


Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.


Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Students most get their project #1 outlined signed and returned by Thursday ( Orange sheet).
  • Students must create a list of local community organizations ( May want to look up ideas on Mightly Miramichi).

Posted: September 10, 2019

Homeroom- Advisory Richardson:

  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Meet the teacher is this Thursday September 12th, 2019 starting at 6pm in the cafeteria.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more
  • information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal(link is external

Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.Studens must complete the questionnaire about their interests at home if not finished. Due Wednesday September 11th, 2019.


Francais 7/8 L:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.


Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.


Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Students most get their project #1 outlined signed and returned by Thursday ( Orange sheet).
  • Students must create a list of local community organizations ( May want to look up ideas on Mightly Miramichi).

Posted: September 9, 2019

Homeroom/ Advisory- Richardson

Contact: sends e-mail) or by telephone 627-4086.  Please note, with our new schedule I may only be able to check and reply to e-mail after 3:15 pm.


  •  Blue, green (both sides), blue and long white forms must be filled out, signed and returned to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Meet the teacher is this Thursday September 12th, 2019 starting at 6pm in the cafeteria.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.
  • Arrow Flyer September     
  • Teen Flyer September   
  • Club de Lecture  
  • Special Selections 


Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.Studens must complete the questionnaire about their interests at home if not finished.


Francais 7/8 L:


  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.


Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Nothing at this time.

Homeroom/ Advisory- Richardson

Contact: or by telephone 627-4986. 

I would like to welcome all my new and former students to what is shaping up to be a fantastic year ahead. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and we can set up a meeting or phone call. Wishing everyone a happy, safe and amazing school year. 

  • Student fee is due $25.00 cash or cheque made payable to Max Aitken Academy. Receipt will be issued to the student once the fee has been received.
  •  Blue, green (both sides), blue and long white forms must be filled out, signed and returned to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal will begin Thursday September 5th, 2019. ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing. 

Posted: June 19, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Award Ceremony for K-7, Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 9:00 am.
  • Grade 8 Celebration Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 7pm.
  • Talent show K-2 Friday June 21st, 2019 at 9 am.
  • Friday last day for students ( full day).

Posted: June 18, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Home and School is providing a BBQ lunch for all students and staff on Wednesday June 19th, the cafeteria will be closed all day no snacks or drinks will be avalaible for purchase). If your child(ren) don't like BBQ they are advised to bring a lunch from home.
  • Award Ceremony for K-7, Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 9:00 am.
  • Grade 8 Celebration Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 7pm.
  • Talent show K-2 Friday June 21st, 2019 at 9 am.
  • Friday last day for students ( full day).


Posted: June 17, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Home and School is providing a BBQ lunch for all students and staff on Wednesday June 19th, the cafeteria will be closed all day no snacks or drinks will be avalaible for purchase). If your child(ren) don't like BBQ they are advised to bring a lunch from home.
  • Award Ceremony for K-7, Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 9:00 am.
  • Grade 8 Celebration Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 7pm.
  • Talent show K-2 Friday June 21st, 2019 at 9 am.
  • Friday last day for students ( full day).

Français 7E:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home

Posted: June 14, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Award Ceremony for K-7, Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 9:00 am.
  • Grade 8 Celebration Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 7pm.
  • Talent show K-2 Friday June 21st, 2019 at 9 am.

Français 7E:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Running records: please look for a "salmon or pink" colored information sheet coming home


Posted: June 10, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Grade 7 field trip Wednesday June 12th, 2019. Leaving at 8:45 and will be returning for the afternoon bus run.
  • Award Ceremony for K-7, Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 9:00 am.
  • Grade 8 Celebration Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 7pm.
  • Talent show K-2 Friday June 21st, 2019 at 9 am.

Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home




Posted: June 6, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Grade 7 field trip Wednesday June 12th, 2019. Leaving at 8:45 and will be returning for the afternoon bus run.

Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home

Posted: June 5, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Thank you to all parents and guardians for your support with our bake sale, it was a huge success.
  • Wishing the grade 8 students going to Quebec an amazing aventure, be safe and have fun.

Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home

Posted: June 4, 2019

Advisory- Homeroom

  • Thank you to all parents and guardians for your support with our bake sale, it was a huge success.
  • Wishing the grade 8 students going to Quebec an amazing aventure, be safe and have fun.

Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home.

 Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien

Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.


 Science Humaine 7/8L

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.
  • Running records: please look for a "salmon" colored information sheet coming home
