Mrs. Kingston

Mrs. Kingston's Teacher Page

Good morning! Here is your Math work for today. Please feel free to email me ( or message me on Teams if you have any questions. 

Math 7E

  • Review adding and subtracting decimals lesson (P.96-99)We did questions on P.98 (#1-4, 6, 8) before Christmas.
  • Practice worksheets for adding and subtracting decimals (attached below). They were also given in the home learning packet.
    You can choose how many questions to complete. Remember to place the numbers vertically and align the decimal points. No calculator.
  • Netmath activities:
    Calculer la somme de nombres décimaux
    Effectuer la somme et la différence des nombres décimaux
    Calculer la somme et la différence de nombres décimaux en situation
  • Optional online Math games:
    Adding Decimals Soccer
    Subtracting Decimals Soccer
  • Please note: Our Teams call that was scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday at 10:45 am) is cancelled but we will meet on Thursday at 12:45 pm instead (for this week only). I apologize for the change.

Math 8E

Here are the schedules for at-home learning for 7E and 8E. 
Most days of the week have 2 scheduled Teams calls. They are highlighted in yellow on your schedule. 
Students should check Teacher pages and Microsoft Teams daily for assigned work. 

Posted: January 10, 2022

Home Learning January 11th - 21st

Good morning! I hope you all had a nice break! I look forward to seeing some of you (virtually) this week.

Your schedule for Teams Calls is posted below (attachment). 

For students without access to a device, you can pick up a home-learning packet at the school today between 11:00-3:00 (at the 6-8 door).

Students should have their Math textbook at home, unless they have access to the online version of the textbook posted in Teams. 

I will be reachable during school hours so please email or message on Teams if you have any questions.


Posted: December 22, 2021

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoy the holidays and I look forward to seeing you in January.

Posted: December 2, 2021


Math 8E - Finish P.43 # 3, 4, 6acef, 7abc, 8, 9

Science 7E & 8E - Complete table for 'No Technology Day' (sheet from class).

Book swap next week for those interested.
Buddy photos ($5) Monday & Tuesday for those interested.

Have a great weekend!


Posted: December 1, 2021


Math 7E - Complete worksheet "Les régularités et les relations" (if not already handed in).

Please return signed report card insert and envelope.


Posted: November 29, 2021

Good morning,

Here are the activities for home learning today:

Math 7E - Circle practice worksheet attached. It is also posted on Teams.
You can write your answers in your notebook or on paper.

Math 8E - Pythagorean Theorem practice page (attached and on Teams).
You can write your answers in your notebook or on paper.

Science 7E/8E - Make a list of all the ways you use technology at home today.
You will need this for an activity later this week.

Feel free to reach out by email or on Teams if you have any questions.

PDF icon les_cercles.pdf180.59 KB
PDF icon pythagorean_theorem_practice.pdf47.94 KB

Posted: November 26, 2021


Math 7E - Exercices supplémentaires is due. 
Please hand it in on Monday if you have not already done so.

Math 8E - P.34 # 3-8 should be completed for Monday's class.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: November 25, 2021


Math 8E - Finish questions on P.34 #3-8

Math 7E - Finish Exercices Supplémentaires (expressions)

7E is skating tomorrow. Don't forget skates and a helmet.



Posted: November 23, 2021

Good morning! Here are your home learning activities for today:


  • Science - Please ensure you have completed the assignment on Teams (observations et inférences).
  • Math - If you have computer access, please work on Netmath (assigned activities). 
    If you do not have computer access, you can work on the practice pages from your Covid packet.
  • Practice adding and subtracting integers with a deck of playing cards and a partner. Decide which color is positive/negative. 


  • Science - Please ensure you have completed the assignment on Teams (observations et inférences)
  • Some students have not turned in their journal entry (plastics). This is also on Teams. 
  • Math - If you have computer access, please work on Netmath assigned activities. 
    If you do not have computer access, you can work on the practice pages from your Covid packet.
  • Practice multiplying integers with a deck of playing cards and a partner. Decide which color is positive/negative.


  • Work on your climate action project. For example, some students may need to work on their research, contact group members to plan for next steps, finalize timeline for project, etc.



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Added: Wed, Mar 15 2023


Added: Thu, May 26 2022