Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science

Posted: November 1, 2021

STIM pour mardi, le 2 novembre  

Bonjour tout le monde! 

 Today I invite you do the following two things for STEM:

 1) Say «Bonjour!» to me by email or through Microsoft Teams!

• Log into your email account and send an email to 

• Log into your STEM Microsoft Team and hit the chat button to say «Bonjour». 

Here are some instructions for accessing email and teams: 

2) Access your new NETMath account

• In your email account, you should have an invitation to join NETMath. Follow the link in the email and log in using the same credentials as your email (nbss email address and your password).

• Complete the assignment task. 

For Grade 6, it’s «Utiliser un système de coordonnées».

For Grade 7, it’s «Tendance centrale 1».

• If you have questions, you can message me through NETMath, by email through or through the ‘Chat’ option in Microsoft Teams.  

• If your parents want to help but there is a language issue, you can temporarily change NETMath to English by clicking on «Mon compte» on your avatar in the bottom corner. See screen capture of this here: 


Also, don't forget to move your body today! Check out the PE for Middle School page for your Phys Ed lessons. Also check the Teacher Pages of your other teachers to see what they require of you today.


Une bonne journée à tous!

Mme Barrieau 

Posted: October 31, 2021

Hi All,

For learning this week, please refer to the At-Home STEM Packet sent home October 12th. Here is a previous post about it with corresponding links: 

Please stay tuned to this Teacher Page as more support and resources will be added soon for STEM, including subscriptions and assignments through NETMath and access to our Microsoft Teams site.


Be sure to also check out the following Teacher Pages for other assignments:

Mme Manuel- FI Humanités

Ms McLean- LA

PE for Middle School- 


Please note: Students will need to check the Teacher Pages for their Exploratory teachers as well.


Here are the class schedules for each class on our team:







Take good care,

Ms Barrieau

Posted: October 28, 2021

• Collaboration project, "Paying Carbon Tax with Climate Action!": Project proposals are complete and students are laying out tasks and working on Climate Action activities to negate their "15 tons" of carbon emission. Please bring any materials necessary to school. See project outline under 'documents' on this page.

 • Math 6- Order of Operations- Handouts (3), page 72 #1,4,5,6,7,9,10,12; 

 • Math 7- Order of Operations- Handouts; Mean, Median & Mode-Handout, Test corrections for "Nombres entiers"


In addition to your STEM Home Packet, please bring home your math text each night, incase we need to work from home.


Posted: October 21, 2021

Photo Editor for Posters

Posted: October 13, 2021

PDF icon high_ropes_permission_slip.pdf209.08 KB

Below are the PDF links to accompany the hardcopy STEM work sent home in-case we are closed temporarily. You might need to scroll down in the document to find the appropriate page and links. Do what you can.


You should also complete the ‘1 minute multiplication challenge’ found on the back of each sheet that was sent home (make a prediction first, just as we do in class).


ASDN STEM Sheet 1:

ASDN STEM Sheet 2:

ASDN STEM Sheet 3:


^For reference, the English versions of these sheets are here:

1 Minute Multiplication Challenge Sheet (Sent home in hardcopy as well, on the back of the STEM Sheets):


This is enough for about 1-2 weeks of STEM. Stay tuned to this page for further instructions on STEM learning, if we must ever do so from home.


Email me anytime

Posted: October 12, 2021

PDF icon multiplication-mixed_to_12.pdf39.05 KB

• Our collaboration project has been launched! We will be "Paying Carbon Tax with Climate Action!" 

See intro video here:   

See project outline here:

In English here:

Think about carbon action activities that you’d like to pursue!


 Math 6- Prime and Composite Numbers, Factors; Test Thursday. See review here: 

Continuing concept: Order of Operations


 Math 7- Adding and Subtracting Integers, Test Wednesday. See review here: 

Continuing concept: Order of Operations



Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Dec 21 2024


Added: Sun, Jan 8 2023


Revision de test- Les fractions, rapports, pourcentage
Égalité- Révision de test, Math 6
Sleigh Ride Permission Slip
Module 6- Révision de test, périmètre, aire et volume