Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


7E Collab- 

PowerPlay booklets page 10,11,13,14,15,18,19,20 for Tuesday. 

Bring Prototype for market research Tuesday.

Think about your market display. We will work on business plans Tuesday. 

Bring $5 for Bowling trip on Wednesday morning.

Math- Volume & Geometry 

Science- Finish Bio-making project. 

STEM Biomaking Project: It's Mushroom Week! Ask your child what we've been up to and why!

Math: We will finish Chapter 5 and begin Geometry. Students will need their geometry sets.

PowerPlay: Students should have a prototype to share this week so they may complete their market research.

We were busy last week with our field trip, our STEM Biomaking project and our PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs project! The fun continues next week! Stay tuned!

Sorry for the lack of post last week! We were busy in the lab with our Bio-Making Pilot project! See photos here: We will continue with the project this week and next! 

It was also drama fest week last week! Lots of worthy May projects to enjoy in these Spring days!

7E- Permission slips and $15 for Moncton field trip due ASAP

PowerPlay parent letter was sent home. We will continue working on this project this week too.


Grade 7: Ch 3 : Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Text pages 179, 184, 188, 190

Grade 8: New Chapter 5 and control sheet distributed for Fractions, Percent, Decimals and Ratio.


Bio-making project launch! Microbial Leather :)


Welcome to Powerplay Young Entrepreneurs

From our MAA Indigenous Learning Days in March:  




Grade 7: Ch 3 : Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Text pages 179, 184, 188, 190

Assessment Prep Grade 7 continues...

Grade 8: Dividing decimals and Order of Operations assignment /6 is due. Text practice, pages 132, 139, 145


Assessment Prep Questions, Grade 8. Prep for new Bio-Making Project next week (grade 7 &8).


Collab launch on Wednesday at MVHS!


Grade 7: Ch 3 : Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Text pages 179, 184, 188, 190

Assessment Prep Grade 7

Grade 8: Dividing decimals and Order of Operations Assessment this week. Text practice, pages 132, 139, 145


Assessment Prep Questions

Sun! One in a billion: 

Collab launch next week!


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, New concept: Dividing decimals. Quiz 2 revision distributed. Will finish quiz Tues/Wed and start new concept.

Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. Quiz revision distributed, will continue to review. Will finish quiz Tues/Wed and start new concept.

Science Week Presentations and eclipse reflection

Collab/Science 7,8: Eclipse Project: In class expo on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, New concept: Dividing decimals. Quiz 2 revision distributed. Will finish quiz Tues/Wed and start new concept.

Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. Quiz revision distributed, will continue to review. Will finish quiz Tues/Wed and start new concept.

TNB production Tuesday, `1pm.

Outdoor this week (and every week) for PE, bring proper attire.

This week's STEM priority, as the innovation fair approaches. DUE THURSDAY:

Collab/Science 7,8: Eclipse Project: Creatively represent research findings from 5 question. See outline document on this teacher page.   


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, New concept: Dividing decimals. Quiz 2 revision distributed. Quiz tentatively Wednesday.

Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. Quiz revision distributed, will continue to review, quiz tentatively Wednesday. 


Outdoor this week (and every week) for PE, bring proper attire.



Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, New concept: Dividing decimals. Quiz 2 revision distributed. Quiz Wednesday. 


Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. Quiz revision distributed, will continue to review, quiz Wednesday. 


Collab/Science 7,8: Eclipse Project, 5 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WERE DUE FRIDAY. Ms Barrieau will meet with groups to help decide how to represent research findings. See outline document on this teacher page.   


Outdoor this week (and every week) for PE, bring proper attire.




Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, New concept: Multiplying decimals. See control sheet for text practice (p 102, 106, 109). Sign quiz 1 from last week. 

Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. Quiz revision distributed, will continue to review, quiz Thursday or Friday. See new control sheet for text practice (p108, 119, 125, 128).

Collab/Science 7,8: Eclipse project. Narrow down research question, complete research (5 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DUE FRIDAY), choose project. See project outline on this page.  

Video exploration of "My green job": 

Outdoor this week for PE, bring proper attire!

New activities begin this week. Please sign long activity sheet.


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals Quiz to be returned this week; New concept: Adding and subtracting decimals. See control sheet for tet practice. 

Grade 8: Multiplying and dividing fractions. See new control sheet for text practice. Finishing Multiplying fractions this week. Sign test from last week and complete corrections.

Collab/Science: Eclipse project. Narrow down research question, complete research, choose project. See project outline on this page.  

Video exploration of "My green job": 

Outdoor this week for PE and winter carnival, bring proper attire!

Monday: Fancy Smancy

Tuesday: African Dance, PJ Day

Wednesday: Bake Sale, Scavenger Hunt, Pink Shirt

Thursday: Swampball Challenge, Heroes verses Villains

Friday : Tug of War, MAA Theme

