Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science



Grade 7: Moyenne, médiane et mode, Quiz 3 and Corrections for Quiz 2, Text work from control sheet- New concept Patterns and Relations


Grade 8: Les développements d'objets à 3D, Quiz 3 and corrections for Quiz 2, Text work from control sheet- New concept Patterns and Relations

Grade 7&8: Sign Test 2 

Sciences: We will prepare to conduct a school waste audit with Jimmy from The Gaia Project, beginning this week. 


Collab: Project topic and partners to be decided this week


Halloween Parade Tuesday! Wear your costume! No masks or fake weapons.



Math:  Complete text work and revision this week for the following concept (see control sheet in duotang and my whiteboard)

Grade 7: Moyenne, médiane et mode

Grade 8: Les développements d'objets à 3D 

Grade 7&8: Sign Test 2 


Sciences: We will prepare to conduct a school waste audit with Jimmy from The Gaia Project, that will happen next week. 


Collab: Our project has been revealed! Check out student document here

And a video of the launch here.


Homeroom: Bring in tickets for draw, asap! Draw Wednesday.



Grade 7 & 8: Quiz Monday (7E), New outcome concepts begin this week and control sheets for new units have been distibuted.


Sciences: Both labeled drawing assignments are due ASAP- Activité Digital Mi'kmaq & Activité 2 #1,2


Collab: Project launch is Wednesday! Stay tuned for details! 


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday, Oct 17: Group 1 

Thursday, Oct 19: Group 2

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.



Grade 7 & 8: Finish Quiz Revisions, Quiz Thursday.



Finish drawing, Activité Digital Mi'kmaq & Activité 2 #1,2


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 3

Tuesday, Oct 17: Group 1 

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.

Hiking FFC: Thursday, 8:30am for 8E; 12:40 for 7E


Sign Quiz 1.

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p69 #1-5,7,11-13, p73 #1,3,4,5,7,11,12, p79 #1-8,11,13,15,16, Quiz II Revision, Quiz Next Week

Grade 8: PEDMAS and Integers, p 92 #7,8,9,10 & p98 #21,22,23, Quiz II Revision, Quiz Next Week


Finish drawing, Activité Digital Mi'kmaq

PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Friday: Group 2

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 62 #1,2,4-8, 10, 11 & p 65 #1-4,7,8 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 80 #4,5,6,8,10,11,13,18 & p 83 #1-3, 5-8,10,11 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Quiz Revisions with corrections attached.


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Following Tuesday: Group 2

Following Friday: Group 3

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


7E: Survey


Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 62 #1,2,4-8, 10, 11 & p 65 #1-4,7,8 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 80 #4,5,6,8,10,11,13,18 & p 83 #1-3, 5-8,10,11 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Following Tuesday: Group 2

Following Friday: Group 3

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


$2 twoonie for Terry for Wednesday



Jeu, les nombres entiers: 

Due by Tuesday, September 12th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 54 #1,2aceg, 5,6,7 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 68 #5,6,7,8ac, 10de

Due by Friday, September 15th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 58 #1,2,4ad,5ad,6-12 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 73 #4,6,8,9,11,13,18


Electrify My Ride, Activité: 

Gaia EV Video:


Sign Activity Sheet.

Meet the Teacher, Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Bring $30 student fee and boxes of tissues.

$2 twoonie for Terry

Welcome back!


Due by Tuesday, September 12th

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 54 #1,2aceg, 5,6,7 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 68 #5,6,7,8ac, 10de


Please bring in 4 sheets to be signed (from yellow folder), $30 student fee and boxes of tissues.


Posted: September 3, 2023

Posted: June 19, 2023

Crunch Time for the market! Make your products and prepare your display! See reminders below.

Math- Geometry Quiz for Grades 6 & 7 on Wednesday. See revision sheets (that we went over in class) here:

6s- Bring in permission slip and $10 for field trip Friday. 

Grade 6: Chapter 6- Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Revision de test

Grade 7: Chapter 4- Circles, Area of Triangles and Parallelograms, Revision de test


Bring a prototype ASAP. Find out all of your material expenses ASAP, so we can finish the Financial Plan in class. Work on your products. Plan your display. Market is June 8th. 


Sign permission slips for field trips.


Grade 6: Chapter 6- Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals

P 136 #1-4,6,8,9

Video : 

Grade 7: Chapter 4- Circles, Area of Triangles and Parallelograms 

P136 #1,2,4,5,6,7

Video : 

New NETMath for Geometry assigned. 


Lab Report: Les plantes

Collect materials for PowerPlay Market Product. Market is June 8th. 

Grade 6: Chapter 6- Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals

P 127 #1, 2,5,6

P 131 #1-5

P 136 #1,2,3,4,6,8,9

Video : 

Grade 7: Chapter 4- Circles, Area of Triangles and Parallelograms 

P131 #1,2,3,4,5

P136 #1,2,4,5,6,7

Video : 


Lab Report: Les plantes

Think about Glowforge District STEM Challenge, Gather items (see poster below).


Collect materials for PowerPlay Market Product. Market is June 8th. 

