Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


No homework to note!
Math (6E2)- Cover Textbook  

Posted: September 6, 2011

What a great first day it has been!  Thank you for your enthusiasm and energy!   Tonight: Practice opening your lock.  I've attached a pdf file to with instructions. Get your parents to sign the pink and yellow sheets. Leaf through your agenda and have a look at your schedule.  Bring both back to school tomorrow. Remember to bring your duotangs, paper, pencils, colored markers, $20 student fee and tissue paper. Relaaaaaxxxx!!!  ...and have a great evening- see you in the morning! Mlle Barrieau :)    
PDF icon lock_opening.pdf248.34 KB

Posted: June 28, 2011

What a stellar group of Purplers this year!  I am so proud of the growth you've shown from September to June.  Thank you for making my job the best job in the world.    Best wishes to Alana who is moving to St John.  We will miss you!   For the rest of you, see you in the Fall!   Ms Barrieau :)   PS- Check out the photo gallery of our tye-dying!

Posted: June 21, 2011

Don't forget your glove for the ball game! All textbooks must be returned asap.  Report cards will not be released until texts are returned.  You may begin bringing things home from your locker. 
Tye-dying tomorrow!  Bring an old white t-shirt!
Science- Project due tomorrow, be ready to present Bring in white t-shirt for Friday Bring in overdue books to library.

Posted: June 13, 2011

Math- Science- Flight project due Wednesday Dance Friday! Bring white shirt for tye-dying!
Math- page 261 #1,2,3 Sciences- Flight project due June 15th
Math- page 257 #5,6; sign test Science- sign test, work on project due June 15th Bring in white t-shirt for tye-dying.

Posted: June 6, 2011

3000$ Place:  France Transportation: Accomodations: Nourriture:  Tourism, attractions:
Math- Science- Work on group project "Le vol"...due June 15th. 

Posted: June 2, 2011

Math- Sign test, Retest due Friday Sciences-  Sign test, Retest due Friday Bring in $1 for the Walkathon tomorrow.
Math- p 257 # 1, 3,4 Sign test Science- Sign test

Posted: May 30, 2011

1)  Visitez le site web «Gizmos»:  Inscrivez avec le code qui correspond: 7E1:  DHZOAXHZVL 3)  Explorez les simulations prévues. 4)  Visitez les sites suivants: Cherchez autres jeux de probabilité.
