Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- bring in protractor (and bring it to class!) :) Science (6E1; 6E2)-  Begin planning project, bring in resources to work in class -  If necessary, bring in items for your activity for student appreciation day (ie: hockey stick or camera or photos...depending on your activity). -  Prepare for Lipdub Friday.  Wear purple, a cowboy hat, other sort of hat or a wig and practice dance: «poche, poche, pow, pow, whoosh x4...cheval!»
Math- p 127 # 1,2,3,5,6 SignActivité 1, Log 3 and test, bring in protractor (and bring it to class!) :) Science (6E1; 6E2)-  Begin planning project, bring in resources to work in class .
Math- Activité 1, Sign test, bring in protractor (and bring them to class!) :) Science (6E1; 6E2)-  Begin planning project, bring in resources to work in class 
Math- sign quiz (if you received it back this afternoon)
Math- Bring in geometry set (protractor) Sciences-
Math- Quiz tomorrow Sciences-
Math- Test Wednesday.  Finish review for tomorrow. Science- Journal 2 Remembrance Day Ceremony tomorrow, 9am.  Parents are welcome.
There will be a practice for the Remembrance Day Readers' Theatre students Monday until 4pm.  This includes back-up singers.  I hope you can all make it!   Mlle B
Math- PP2, work on revision Science- Journal 2, 500 ml bottles
Math- p76 # 1,2,3 Science- Journal 2, Nommez les caractéristiques des arthropodes.  Donnez des exemples (9). Bring in a 500ml plastic water bottle for our experiment.
Math- p 72 # 6,7,9...Logique 3 is due...Sign Logique 2 Sciences- 6E2, sign lab
Joyeux Halloween!
Math- Science- MCV!
Math- p 65 #1,2,5,8 Sciences (6E2, 6E1)- Sign Quiz 6I2- Correspondance to Soldiers due Friday
