Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Posted: February 5, 2012

Révision pour l’évaluationL’espace- Les planètes proches du soleil (terrestres), les planètes loin du soleil (gazeuses)-  Les phases de la lune-  Rotation, révolution-  Le Soleil, les étoiles, Constellations- Système solaire, galaxie, voie lactée  - Astronomie, Astronaute- éclipse lunaire, éclipse solaire- Les marées- Les technologies canadiennes Pour étudier:  Utilise le text/tes notes/packettes; Réflechis sur nos conversations/vidéos/exemples.  Nous allons étudier ensemble cette semaine.
Math- page 229 #5,7,8; pp5 et log 6 Science- Journal 1
We're back online! Math- Sign test(s); page 229 #1,3,4; PP5; Log 6 Science- Journal 1; page titre
Math- Sign and do corrections for Logique 5 Sciences- Title page Bête en vedette   MCV
Math- Science- Title page and «Bête Vedette» vocabulary activity
Sorry for the forgotten post yesterday. Math-  page 151 #4,5,6,9; Quiz tomorrow  Science- Title page
Math- p 148 # 1,2,3,4; Work on revision for quiz Thursday;  Sign PP4 Sciences- Title page due for next class   Those students in Ms Russell's group- Please show progress reports to your parents   
Math- Sign Quiz, Do Re-Quiz (if applicable) Science- Sign project rubric/mark.  Sign test if you haven't already.   

Posted: December 18, 2011

1)  Qu’est-ce que tu connais à propos de l’espace? (3+) 2)  Qu’est-ce que tu veux connaitre à propos de l’espace?  (3+) Recherchez ces choses au labo aujourd'hui.  Faites un bibliographie des sites webs (wikipedia, universités, gouvernement, agences respectées) 3)  Comment est-ce que tu vas apprendre ces choses? (3+)     Espace:
Math- Science- Sign project rubric/mark.  Sign test if you haven't already.  Toiletry items for Haiti. Potluck Friday..
Math- page 148 #1,2,3.  Test on angles tomorrow. Science- Sign project rubric/mark.  Sign test if you haven't already.  Toiletry items for Haiti. Potluck Friday.
Math- Log 5; Test Thursday; Sign PP3 Sciences-   Potluck Friday!  Please bring in signed sheet.
Please read the following email correspondence and see the links from Ann MacDonnell below.  Her sister and brother-in-law are helping children in Haiti and they need our help.  They are in need of toiletry kits for the adult workers (there are 150- looking for toothpaste, shampoo soap, deodorant etc.).  You may bring items to school for collection.  See below...   Hi All,My sister and her husband and two children have been helping children in Haiti since the earthquake in January 2010.   This would be Jessie's, Patrick's, Sarah's and William's aunt and uncle and cousins. They help to sponsor an orphanage and they will be going down for Christmas.  If you read Mary's email, you will see what she is looking to do.  I thought some of your students may want to help out since they can say they have a stronger connection to Haiti with Mary and Duncan. I know that kids are bringing in lots of stuff as it is, but even a few things will help. Here is a link to their visit last February.   The students will get a kick out of one of the little ones on video at the orphanage.  It is one the first page, last row, 4th one in.   The little kids are precious, and the adults who work with them are very special people.  They do not make very much money and any donation to them would be greatly appreciated. or   You will have to cut and paste this link to make it work. Ann O'Neill MacDonnell________________________________________Subject: Christmas in Haiti Hi Ann, Just booked Christmas in Haiti at the orphanage. We are going to go down on Christmas eve, and back on boxing day. One of the things I'd like to do is make little toiletry kits for the adult workers( there are 150) (toothpaste, shampoo soap, deodorant etc.) I thought some of the kids might like to have a drive at their schools, or adults in their neighbourhoods.  We could Fedex the items here to be transported down Just let me know if there is interest. Mary

Posted: December 9, 2011

It's time to celebrate l'équipe violette!  On Friday, December 16th, we would like to have a potluck celebration at lunch.  Ms Richardson will send out a notice with details on Monday of next week.
