Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- p8 # 3,4,5;     Logique 10 ThursdayScience- Observations of the Moon, Packette Espace, Journal 1- ÉlectricitéPJ pant day tomorrow.Plan your "Journée sans technologie".
Math- Sign test 2,  Module 5.  Page 8 #1,2.  Logique 10 pushed until Thursday.Science- Observations of the moon, Methode scientifique  Une journé sans technologie- mercredi/jeudi!
Math- Sign test II, Module 5 (if applicable) Science- Observations of the moon
Math- Test tomorrow (see corrected revision attached)Science- Observations of the moon (if possible!)
Math- p 194 #11,12,13.  Work on Revision for test Thursday (see attached, if necessary)Science- Observations of the moon (if you can see it!  It's phase is croissant:, we have ran out of Kleenex in our classroom.  If you are so kind to donate a box or two, we would really appreciate it! :) 
PDF icon mod_5_test_2-_revision.pdf141.76 KB
Math- Sign testScience- Finish observations of the moon
Il faut visiter les sites de mathématiques suivants, en ordre.  Jouez à votre niveau: 1) Sites variés: 2)  Décimaux: 3)  Diaper Derby: 4)  Granny Prix: 5)  Hit the Button: 6)  XP Math: 7)  (Dernier 5 minutes) Le site de HMS: 
Math- Révision de test (1à4, 9,10,11,13); PP7, Test jeudiScience- page titreTell parents about cancer fundraiser:
Hi All,I will in France for our school's grade 8 exchange from the afternoon of Wednesday, April 4th to Sunday, April 15th.  Ms McLean will fill my position until then.  Please feel free to email with any concerns or see Mlle Richardson.  This teacher page will not be updated during this time.  I'll take lots of photos and have lots of stories for when I return.  I'll also be maintaining a blog if you'd like to see what's going on! Cheers,Mlle B :)
Math- Activité 1 (division, multiplication des décimaux)Science- Title page, Journal 1 (KWL)
Math- page 181 #4,7 Science- Title page Hope you had fun at student appreciation day today!
Math- p 181 # 1,2,3 Science- Title page  Homeroom:  Go over "Stand Up to Bullying" flipchart with your parents.
Math- p 177 #1,2,3, Logique 9 date moved to Friday Sciences- Page titre, Électricité
Math- p 173 #1,2,3 (b et c) Science- Phases de la lune Sign report card envelope for term 2. 
Math- p 168 #4.5
