Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- page 56 #5ab,6ab,9; Logique 2 is due tomorrow 
Math- Explorer les multiples: page 56 # 1,2,3 for Thursday; 5ab, 6ab,9 for Friday; Sign Problèmes pratiques 1Logique 2 is due Friday 
Wordreference: This site has phrases for word use, expert forums on proper use of words and phrases and conjugation of verbs, all in an easy format. Also, Bescherelle is available online:; although wordreference will do the trick too! Enjoy, Mlle Barrieau  
Math-  Bonne fête d'Action de Grâces!
Math- PP1 is due tomorrow
Sorry for the late post, mes amis.Math- p 52 #1,2,3,6Remember PP1 due Friday.

Posted: October 2, 2012

We have a Math Center at HMS and it is located on the Orange Team in Ms Breau's classroom.  Ms Breau is available to ALL students at HMS during the following times throughout the school year:Monday- 11:55am to 12:25pmTuesday- 3:10pm to 4:00pmWednesday- 12:25 to 12:55pmThursday- 7:50am to 8:16pm
Math- Review 3 Mental Math Strategies
Math- Sign Logique 1; Students who received 9/15 or below on their Logique 1 assignment will have extra help during Ms Barrieau's math pull-out periods this week.
• Math- Logique 1 was due today; If you have not passed it in, please have it for Monday to avoid losing 10% of the assignment value.• Classe titulaire Barrieau- Please finish anti-bullying posters. MCV!Je vous souhaite une bonne fin de semaine. :)
Math- Logique 1 (edited Friday) 
Math- page 48 #7,9,11,12; practice mental math; Logique 1 due Friday$1 for Terry FoxTerry Fox run tomorrow and gas fundraiser assembly! :) 
Math- due Thursday...p 48 # 7,9,11,12; practice mental math$1 for Terry Fox

Posted: September 24, 2012

• Math- page 48 #1,3,4,5 (most should be finished as this was last week's class work) chiffres soulignés du texte...#4. a)  627 384  b)  54 286 473  c) 41 962 014  d) 25 041 304 000 • Terry Fox Cancer Research- Please bring in $1 • Wear blue tomorrow in support of Anti-Bullying Week! :)
