Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Posted: January 10, 2013

Devoirs pour mardi:  Journal 1; Journal 2; Page titre; Réchauffement
Math- p 148 # 6,7,8,9
Math- Welcome back! :)

Posted: December 20, 2012

What a truly excellent potluck event today!  It was very nice to share food together as a team.  Thank you to all those who participated. Skating tomorrow morning.  Talent show tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy time with family and friends over the holidays.  :)Joyeux Noel et bonne année à tous!
Math- Sign test (if you received it back today); Log 6 & PP4Potluck Thursday.Skating Friday Morning.Wear a santa hat Friday for our talent show rendition of the Purple Team Dance Compilation (old version)!  :)Christmas Basket Winners: Thank you!
Social tonight!Bring in Potluck form.Sell tickets for our field-trip fundraiser!  Due Monday.  :)MCV! 
Math- p148 #1,2,3,4; Fill-out form for potluck
Math- Sign PP3 and Log 5Sell basket tickets! :)

Posted: December 7, 2012

The Purple Team is selling tickets on a Holiday basket!  Over $200 worth of quality items, including gift certificates, beauty products and more!  Buy a ticket from any Purple Team student or teacher for only $2 for your chance to win!  The draw will be held December 17th.
Math- Angles test Monday MCV!
Math- test MondaySkating tomorrow at 8:40.  Bring skates and helmet!
Math- P 141 #1,2,4; Révision to be finished for Thursday Skating Friday!  (first thing) 
Math- p136 #4,6,8,9; test Friday, see revision attached and under documents
PDF icon module_4_quiz_1_revision.pdf69.42 KB
Math- sign pp4 MCV!!
Math- PP3; Sign Log 4
