Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- Logique 5; p 136 #1,2,3
Math- page 131 #4,5

Posted: November 26, 2012

Math- p 131 #2,3Bring in food item for food bankBring in item for purple team fundraiser basket
Math- p 127, #1,2; Sign test 

Posted: November 19, 2012

Dans l'ordre suivant... 1) Les angles: visite les sites suivants   2)  Ensuite, visite le site Frog Math  Essaie “Priorité des Opérations”. 3)  Visite et joue "Speed Math Trainer, Multiply Basic".   4)  Pendant les dernières 5 minutes, surf le site Harkins. :)  
Math- Quiz ModayMCV!
PDF icon module_2_lecons_7-9_quiz_2_0.pdf113.91 KB
Math- study for quiz MondaySkating tomorrow- bring skates and helmet (9:30-10:15)
Math- Work on test revision; test Monday (Module 2 lecons 7 à 9); Logique 4 due tomorrow; Sign Logique 3Skating Friday 
Math- p 80 #1,2,3,6Sign Logique 3 (if you received it back)Logique 4 due ThursdaySkating Friday!  Skates and helmet required.
Math- p 76 #4,6,7• HMS and Science East are proud to present…*ILLUMINATE!*Here at Harkins Middle School!This THURSDAY 6-8:30pmCome, learn, experience, and discuss careers and opportunities in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICSAll students, family and community members welcome!
Math- page 73 #1,2,3 • $2 for Timberwolves vers HMS fundraiser Friday! • HMS and Science East are proud to present…*ILLUMINATE!*Here at Harkins Middle School!This THURSDAY 6-8:30pmCome, learn, experience, and discuss careers and opportunities in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICSAll students, family and community members welcome!
Math: p 72 #7,9,10,12• NO Skating this THURSDAY (sorry!)...but we will skate Friday, November 16th ;)• $2 for Timberwolves verse HMS fundraiser Friday • HMS and Science East are proud to present…*ILLUMINATE!*Here at Harkins Middle School!This THURSDAY 6-8:30pmCome, learn, experience, and discuss careers and opportunities in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICSAll students, family and community members welcome!
