Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Posted: February 26, 2013

Dans l'ordre suivant... Essaie les jeux qui concernent «les fractions»:1) Horizon   2)  Frog Math   3)  Visite et joue "Speed Math Trainer, Multiply Basic".   4)  Pendant les dernières 5 minutes, surf le site Harkins et vérifie tes courriels. :)  
Math-  PP6 due ThursdayWear a pink shirt tomorrow!Photos of the Sleigh Ride:

Posted: February 25, 2013

Math- Logique 9 is due tomorrowWear a pink t-shirt for Anti-Bullying Awareness on Wednesday.

Posted: February 21, 2013

Purple Team WILL be skating tomorrow at 8:40am, so bring your skates and helmet.Also tomorrow: bring in your $5 and permission form for the sleigh ride, happening Monday.On the sleigh ride, we will provide hotdogs, chips, juice and cookies for dessert.  If you can't eat something on this menu, please bring a bagged lunch for the trip.  Remember, ski-pants and winter apparel are required. :) Mes élèves,Vous me manquez!  Je vais aller faire du ski alpine demains (vendredi) avec l'équipe rouge.  Amusez-vous bien au patinage!À lundi, mes amis...Mlle Barrieau :)    

Posted: February 17, 2013

On a gagné la première place (catégorie des sixièmes années) pour «Spirit Week» la semaine passée.  Bravo! 
Math- MCV!
Math- joyeuse st valentin!!!!
Math- Test tomorrow; bring ruler and protractor Wear Red and Pink tomorrow for Spirit Week: out the new HMS Math POW for your chance to win! win! win!:
Math- Finish Revision, Test Thursday, P 237 #6,7, You need a ruler and a protractor for the test (and for class)

Posted: February 11, 2013

 Math- page 237 #1,2,5Test Revision- WednesdayTest Module 6 Thursday***Students need a ruler and a protractor.  My extra supplies at school have been depleted. Mlle B 
Math- page 233 #4,6,8Skating tomorrow...CHANGED TO PERIOD 3 AND 4 (Scheduling conflicts- sorry for the late notice!)
Math- page 33 #1,2,3Skating Friday
Math-Skating Friday 8:40-10:00am
Math- Le beau sapin is due tomorrow; page 229 # 4,6,8
Math- Beau Sapin due TuesdaySkating next FridayMCV!
