Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math: p 72 #1,4,5,6; Sign PP2• NO Skating this THURSDAY (sorry!)...but we will skate Friday, November 16th ;)• $2 for Timberwolves verse HMS fundraiser Friday
MCV!Math-Skating Thursday November 8th, 2012.  Students need skates and a helmet. :)
Math- Skating next THURSDAY, November 8th!  Students need a helmet and skates. :)
Je vous souhaite un joyeux Halloween! muahahaha! :)pajama bottom day tomorrow!
Math- PP2 is dueOrange and Black DayTomorrow!
Math- Sign test; PP2 is due Wednesday
Math- Logique 3 is due tomorrow
Math- Module 2 test tomorrow, review revision sheet and test yourself!Bring in signed interim report. 
Sorry for the late post.  I am having some technical difficulties that I'm hoping to have resolved this week.Math- Test Wednesday; Finish review sheetSign and return interim report
MCV!  Bonne fin de semaine, mes amis!
MCV!  Bonne fin de semaine, mes amis!

Posted: October 18, 2012

Math- page 65 # 5,8,11,13Bring in $3 for Carrefour Beausoleil spectacle
Sorry for no post yesterday- the site has not been working correctly and did not allow updates.Math- Sign Logique 2 (except certain students from 6E1)For Friday- page 65 #5,8,11,13 Bring in form and $3 for trip to Carrefour spectacle
Les facteurs... SVP, visitez les sites webs suivants, en ordre:   1)  Millionaire de facteurs-  Plus grand facteur commun:  Facteurs-  Sens du nombres:  Multiplication:  Number Nut:  
Math- page 61 # 1,3,7,8
