Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Posted: June 17, 2010

Pre-order a digital copy of your Harkins Middle School Year In Review (Photo/video story...with good music! approx 45mins long) for only $5.  Preserve your memories!

Posted: June 17, 2010

Dans l'ordre suivant... 1) Visite les sites intéractifs de sciences et  Ensuite, visite le site Cool Math 2)  Verifie tes courriels pour Dark Skies et/ou  

Posted: June 16, 2010

-  For TOMORROW (Purple and Blue Field Day- in the AFTERNOON):  Bring a towel, change of clothes, ball glove (if you have one) and proper footwear -  Bring Galileoscope back if you believe that you'll never use it -  Photo Gallery of our Boat Excursion    

Posted: June 15, 2010

-  Sign Science Rubric -  Bring in a light t-shirt to tye-dye TOMORROW -  Bring Galileoscope back if you believe that you'll never use it -  For THURSDAY (Purple and Blue Field Day- in the AFTERNOON):  Bring a towel, change of clothes, ball glove (if you have one) and proper footwear -  Photo Gallery of our Boat Excursion  

Posted: June 14, 2010

-  Sign Science Rubric -  Bring in a light t-shirt to tye-dye -  Bring Galileoscope back if you believe that you'll never use it -  For Friday (Purple and Blue Field Day- in the morning):  Bring a towel, change of clothes, ball glove (if you have one) and proper footwear  -  Photo Gallery of our Boat Excursion today

Posted: June 11, 2010

-  Bring permission slip and $5 for boat trip.  Don't forget to bring sunscreen, your lunch and proper appareil. -  See the latest Purple Team video under the 'Video' section of this page.  This is a photostory that we will send to our penpals at Ecole la source in Tracadie-Sheila.  They will send us one in return!  

Posted: June 10, 2010

-  Bring swim wear and a towel for tomorrow -  Bring permission slip and $5 for boat trip -  Vote purple teamer Bethany Matchett for Maritime Idol!      

Posted: June 10, 2010

Dans l'ordre suivant... 1) Visite le site  Ensuite, visite le site Frog Math 2)  Verifie tes courriels pour Dark Skies et/ou  
Overdue projects, journals and Math assignments are due immediately.

Posted: June 8, 2010

Math- Science-  Pass in Energy Resource project (was due Monday)

Posted: June 3, 2010

Math:  PP9 is due Science:  Energy Resources Project due (in paper or digital format) on Monday (see page 32 of electricity text, project outline hand-out or project outline under documents)
Math:  PP9 is due Science:  Review for assessment, Energy Resources Project due (in paper or digital format) on Monday (see page 32 of electricity text, project outline hand-out or project outline attached to this post)
PDF icon projet_sources_denergie_outline.pdf106.31 KB

Posted: May 31, 2010

Science:  Review notes and review sheet for assessment Wednesday and Thursday.  Please see our class notes under the 'documents' section of this Teacher Page.    Science Project due date has been pushed to next week.

Posted: May 28, 2010

Math: Science: 1)  Journals 1 to 3 (see journal questions below) 2)  Look over notebook for Provincial Assessment next week. 3)  Look over helpful review sheet.  We will look at it together in more depth on Monday.  MCV!  
