Mrs. E. Hambrook

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 31, 2021

Posted: October 31, 2021

Posted: October 17, 2021

Posted: October 17, 2021

Posted: October 14, 2021

Parents and Guardians, 

September was a busy month in Kindergarten! Some of the things the students worked on this month were numbers 0 and 1, letters a and b, name activities, developing scissor skills, learning how to read the pictures during Read to Self, and building peer relationships during explore time.

Some other special September moments: Terry Fox Walk, Orange Shirt Day, and an apple taste test!

Please continue to check our Teacher Page to see what other fun things are happening in our classroom!

Posted: October 7, 2021

Posted: September 22, 2021

Dear Parents and/or Guardians, 

Welcome to our class!  The students have been busy settling into the routines of school and I am so enjoying getting to know each student in my class! 

I will be posting notes and pictures of our classroom adventures on this teacher page so please check it to see what your child has been learning in class.  

If you need to reach out to me for any reason, please feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  My email is  

I am excited to teach and learn with your kids this year! We are going to have a great year!

Ms. Hambrook :) 

Posted: November 1, 2020

Posted: November 1, 2020

Posted: November 1, 2020

Students have been working on creating different patterns in class including AB, ABB, AABB, and ABC patterns. 


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Nov 10 2021