Ms. Vye

5V Colourful Pencils

Posted: October 8, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes and journal entry
  • Next French quiz on word list (Oct. 14th): sont, son, tu as, tu es, parler, très, vraiment, chercher, demain, pourquoi (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (7-8)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (tomorrow)
  • Bring earbuds
  • Tech Friday Fundraiser $1.00 for year-end grade 5V activities (will do this every Friday)
  • Hat/PJ Day- Friday ($1 dollar each)

Posted: October 7, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes
  • Next French quiz on word list (Oct. 14th): sont, son, tu as, tu es, parler, très, vraiment, chercher, demain, pourquoi (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (7-8)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (due Friday)
  • Bring earbuds
  • Food for Friends (collecting items until tomorrow)
  • Tech Friday Fundraiser $1.00 for year-end grade 5V activities
  • Hat/PJ Day- Friday ($1 dollar each)

Posted: October 6, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes and journal entry
  • Next French quiz on word list (Oct. 14th): sont, son, tu as, tu es, parler, très, vraiment, chercher, demain, pourquoi (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (7-8)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (due Friday)
  • Bring earbuds
  • Early dismissal sheet to return
  • Food for Friends (collecting items until Thursday)

Posted: October 5, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes
  • French quiz on word list (tomorrow): aime, amie, chat, danse, il y a, j'ai, je suis, petit, petite, yeux (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (0-7)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (due Friday)
  • Bring earbuds
  • Thanksgiving meal sheet/$ due tomorrow (Lunch is on Friday)
  • Early dismisssal sheet to return
  • Food for Friends (collecting items until Thursday)

Posted: October 2, 2020

  • return sheet for early dismissal plans
  • Thanksgiving lunch is Oct. 9- Form and money need to be returned by Oct.. 6th
  • ear buds 
  • Phys Ed on Monday
  • Online sites have been set up for students in the class for math (Netmath) and reading (Je lis). They are welcome to use them at home as well. They have been using the sites a bit this week, and we are getting accustomed to it all:)


Enjoy your weekend!

Posted: October 1, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes and journal entry
  • French quiz on word list (Oct. 6th): aime, amie, chat, danse, il y a, j'ai, je suis, petit, petite, yeux (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (0-7)
  • Technology Friday $1.00 (class fundraiser for year-end grade 5 actvities- students can bring own device)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (October 9th)
  • Bring earbuds
  • Thanksgiving meal sheet/$ due Oct. 6th

Posted: September 30, 2020

  • French reading 15 minutes
  • French quiz on word list (Oct. 6th): aime, amie, chat, danse, il y a, j'ai, je suis, petit, petite, yeux (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (5-7)
  • Technology Friday $1.00 (class fundraiser for year-end grade 5 actvities- students can bring own device)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (October 9th- see her teacher page from yesterday)

Posted: September 29, 2020

  • Orange Shirt Day tomorrow
  • French reading 15 minutes and complete entry in reading journal
  • French quiz on word list (Oct. 6th): aime, amie, chat, danse, il y a, j'ai, je suis, petit, petite, yeux (Focus on spelling and how to use in a complete sentence)
  • Math- X tables (5-7)
  • Technology Friday $1.00 (class fundraiser for year-end grade 5 actvities- students can bring own device)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th
  • "Magnificent Something" for Mrs. Page (October 9th- see her teacher page from today)

Posted: September 28, 2020

  • Orange Shirt Day (Wednesday)
  • French reading 15 minutes (logs start this week- every second day)
  • Math- X tables (4-7)
  • Technology Friday $1.00 (class fundraiser for year-end grade 5 actvities- students can bring own device)
  • Photos- Oct. 15th

Posted: September 24, 2020

  • French- reading 15 mins
  • Math- X tables (4-7)
  • school photos for grade 3-5 students will be Oct. 15th


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Oct 3 2022