With the monies raised last year, we were able to purchase matching t-shirts for the Drama Club for our their trip to the NBTA Provincial Drama Festival.
This year, we would like to again raise funds by means of a Mother’s Day Basket. We are asking each Drama student to bring one new item to help fill the basket. It could be anything from a gift certificate, soaps, towels, slippers, wrapped candy; anything under the theme of Mother’s Day!
We will be asking students to sell tickets on the basket. Of the money YOU raise, $15 will go towards your t-shirt. Any other money raised will go towards your $121 Drama fee. Ms Barrieau will be handling all monies brought in.
Please have basket items donated by Thursday, April 14th , so we may begin making the basket. Tickets will be sent home this week. We are lucky to have such a caring group of parents and students and we appreciate your support!
A. Barrieau, K. Tucker & M. Lynch