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Drama students are reminded that fees and ticket money are due immediately.  Everyone is expected at every afterschool practice this week in the Common Room.  Please return Activities Forms asap.  Be sure to practice your lines, cues and gestures at home! :)    Practice for the week of April 26th to April 30th: Day 3:  Monday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30-1:00pm:  Mice, Belle and Commenting Choral Voices, Maria, Fred, Nathaniel (photos)Monday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm:  EVERYONE Day 4:  Tuesday at lunch (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm:  Scene 1-3Tuesday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm:  EVERYONE  Day 5:  Wednesday at lunch, (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm:  Scenes 4-6 Wednesday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm:  EVERYONE  Day 1: Thursday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30 to 1:00pm:  Scenes 7-9NO PRACTICE AFTERSCHOOL  Day 2:  Friday afterschool:  3:00-4:15pm   DRESS REHEARSAL 2:30-5:30pm SUNDAY.  DRAMA FESTIVAL MONDAY!  
  Things to Remember to Bring to Drama Festival   ****Your Costume and Props**** -          Good Walking Sneakers -          Extra Spending Money -          Towels, Faceclothes and Optional Flip-Flops for the Shower -          Shampoo, Soap etc. -           An Optional Light Blanket and/or Pillow for Traveling etc. -          All Other Basic Travel Appareil (Clothing for 3 days, toothbrush & paste, …)    Please note: -  Electronics are acceptable to bring, but are not allowed in the theatres during plays.  You must pay special attention not to lose your device since we will not interrupt our time at the festival, looking for lost i-pods etc.    -  PLEASE KEEP PACKING LIGHT!  We must take 41 people and their luggage on one bus and packing the bus can prove to be very challenging.  If possible, bring softer gym-like bags, since they fit under the seats much easier.      We will be loading the bus at 8:30am Monday morning.  Please be at the Harkins main door ready to roll for that time.   Thanks!   Miss Barrieau and Mrs. Tucker  

Posted: April 22, 2010

Hi All, We are officially into 'crunch time' for drama.  Everyone is asked to attend this weekend's practice on Sunday from 2:30-5:30pm.  Receipts (updates, balances) for money received thus far were given out Thursday.  Please have all money in, including ticket money, immediately.  Remember, the total for the trip (food, accommodations, registration and t-shirt) is $125.  Half of the proceeds from the tickets that you sell goes towards your trip.  Bring in all ticket $ and we'll do the math for you!   See you Sunday.  Thanks again for your unwavering support!  Please email if you have questions.  amy.barrieau@nbed.nb.ca   Miss Barrieau
Sell! Sell! Sell!   Drama Students are asked to pass in all tickets on Friday, April 23th, 2010.  We compiled a beautiful basket gift for Mother's Day for one lucky winner.  Here are some of the contents: -  $55 value, 1 month Westside Fitness Gym Membership -  $25 from Mike's Bar and Grill -  $25 for Genesis Salon -  $25 for Glamour Salon -  $25 from Petro Canada -  Items from Rosewood Gifts -  Hair and Body Care Products -  Picture Frames -  Cook Book -  Dish Clothes -  Wallet -  Chocolate - MUCH MORE!   Thank you for your continued generous support for Angel Hair for Kids and Drama and buy a ticket for the chance to win these great items!  

Posted: April 20, 2010

As you probably know, we have a Drama Social to raise money for Drama Festival each year.  If you are a parent who would like to offer some time chaperoning the dance this Friday, you are more than welcome to attend!  The dance runs from 6-8:30pm, but any small shift (even at the canteen) would be appreciated.  Please email me at amy.barrieau@nbed.nb.ca if you plan on coming.  THANKS!
I've compiled a list of props and costume ideas and I'm hoping to get help from you all to collect these items asap (see attachment).  If there's something you can bring (especially when it comes to your own character), please let me know or bring the item (there will be a box at the back of my classroom).  Thanks for your help! Miss Barrieau PS- Also, find attached the latest version of the script (with your ideas and suggestions in the updates!).  Note Mr Fred Friedman's reappearance in Scene 11. :) 
Check out the NBTA Drama Festival Website and look at the Middle School 'Schedule' to see the plays offered and other festival events. http://www.nbdramafest.ca/ SEE YOU SUNDAY FROM 3:30-5:30pm.    
There will be an important practice for all cast this Sunday, April 18th from 3:30 to 5:30pm.  Practice for the week of April 19th to April 23rd: Day 3:  Monday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30-1:00pm:  Mice, Belle and Commenting Choral VoicesMonday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm:  All Scenes, Actors Only Day 4:  Tuesday at lunch (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm:  Scene 1-3Tuesday afterschool, 3:00-4:15pm:  Scene 1-6  Day 5:  Wednesday at lunch, (Mercier) 12:30-1:00pm:  Scenes 4-6  Day 1: Thursday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:30 to 1:00pm:  Scenes 7-9 Thursday afterschool 3:00-4:15pm:  All Scenes, Actors Only  Day 2:  Friday at lunch, (Barrieau) 12:00-1:00pm (All actors read-through)   Commenting Choral Voices should come to every practice!  :)  Powderers should come for scenes that they are in.  CHARACTERS AS PER SCENESCENE 1- Maria, Fred Friedman, Nathaniel, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 2- Maria, Nathaniel, Snow White, Cinderella, Emperor,  Brownilocks and the 3 Bears (all cast* and Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 3- Maria, Emperor, Brownilocks and the 3 BearsSCENE 4- Puss, Nathaniel, Mice, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 5- Maria, Mice, Puss N BootsSCENE 6- Maria, Nathaniel, Cinderella, Snow White, Commenting Choral VoicesSCENE 7- Nathaniel, Hanzel, Gretel, Stage Mother, Commenting Choral Voices SCENE 8- Maria, Snow White, Cinderella, Hanzel, Gretel, Stage motherSCENE 9- Commenting Choral Voices, Nathaniel, Tortoise, HareSCENE 10- Nathaniel, Commenting Choral Voices, Belle, Papa Bear, Puss, Maria, AllSCENE 11- All SCENE 12- Maria

Posted: April 14, 2010

Links to previous stories:  Practice Schedule Apr 12-16:  http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/news/fabulous-film-fiasco-practice-week-april-12th... Parent Letter Regarding $:  http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/news/fabulous-film-fiasco-parent-letter  

Posted: April 14, 2010

When a feature film director quits, the less-than-qualified Nathaniel is left to takeover.  However, managing this crazy cast turns out to be a fiasco.  With characters as diverse as the Edgy Emperor to the Diva Princess...thank heavens for Maria!  Can she help save the film before the deadline?                                      .


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Added: Tue, Apr 28 2015