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Posted: March 27, 2011

All Skits and Cast of Dress Rehearsal for Murder will practice Monday and Tuesday this week, 3-4:15pm.  Please bring your scripts. :)  

Posted: March 18, 2011

All cast of Dress Rehearsal for Murder will practice Tuesday and Wednesday this week, 3-4:15pm.  Please bring your scripts. :)  Skits will practice Wednesday at lunch and afterschool.

Posted: March 18, 2011

On Sunday, March-20-11, we will travel to see TNB's version of Hockey Dreams, written by Miramichi's own David Adams Richards.  We will leave Harkins at 10am and return by about 7:30pm.  We will call when we are close to home.A bagged lunch will be necessary and money for supper at mall food court will also be required.  I can be reached at 625-3870.  Ms Barrieau  

Posted: March 13, 2011

Here we go again HMS Drama Club!  And this time there's mystery and murder in the air... There will be a short mandatory meeting for all Drama students going to Festival at 11:55pm in the Common Room Monday, March 14th..  There will be drama practice for all actors in 'Dress Rehearsal for Murder' afterschool on Wednesday, from 3-4:15pm.  Bring your scripts! See the first parent notice attached and under documents.
On Saturday, 34 drama students attended TNB's rendition of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.  Students were blown away by the elaborate settings, seamless set changes, and dynamic cast.  Preceding Treasure Island was an opening act entitled The Marketeer based on WW Boyce Farmers' Market in Fredericton.  No long before the curtains rose, HMS students walked directly from the Fredericton Saturday market to the Playhouse for this performance!  What a great way to experience and learn about the tradition of the Farmers Market in New Brunswick!  It was surely a great time had by all.  A special thanks to Mrs Helen Jones and the Miramichi Friends of TNB, as well as parent drivers Mr Godin, Mr McKinnon and Mr and Mrs Savard.  Please see the corresponding photo gallery:  http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/gallery/treasure-island-adventure-drama-2010
Drama Students and Parents,  FINAL CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION ABOUT DEPARTURE TIME: The bus will leave Harkins Middle School parking lot at 10:30 am.  Please be there at 10:15am in advance.  REMEMBER:Students must bring a bagged lunch.  We will eat on the bus before the play begins at 2pm at the playhouse.  We will eat again at the food court.  Students will receive $10 each for supper.   SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION! Yours in theatre, Ms.  Barrieau  

Posted: November 17, 2010

PDF icon parents_notice-_treasure_island.pdf270.1 KB

Posted: November 4, 2010

Our drama club is invited to see the professional TNB version of "Treasure Island" in Fredericton at the Playhouse on Saturday, December 4th for the price of $30 (for ticket and transportation).  This will be a fulfilling experience for all of our young drama enthusiasts and we're hoping for a good turnout.  Please see Ms Barrieau if you are interested in coming along.  All monies should be sent to Ms Barrieau by Monday, November 22th.    For more information about the Treasure Island story, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island Also, there are 3 copies available from the school library. 


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Added: Tue, Apr 28 2015