February 19 is Family Day. Family Day is observed in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick on the third Monday of February. This holiday celebrates the importance of families and family life to people and their communities.
The annual MAA Christmas Concerts for K-2 & grades 3-5 is fast approaching! The K-2 concert will be held on Tuesday December 12 and the grades 3-5 concert on Wednesday December 13. Both concerts will begin at 10:00 am with doors open to families at 9:30 am. Note, in the event there is a storm on the date of the concert, the concert will be rescheduled for Thursday December 14.
MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDAR...NOVEMBER 19! Max Aitken Academy willl be partnering with the Miramichi Kinsmen Club in a BINGO fundraiser to support phase 2 of our school playground. We are encouraging our entire learning community to participate in this important event which will take place on 95.9 FM Sunday November 19. All Bingo games are doubled for this event.
MAA will host Remembrance Day ceremonies on Friday November 10th beginning at 10:30 am in the Middle School Gymnasium. Parents, and family members are invited to attend as our school community honours the sacrifices made by our current Canadian Force members and Veterans.
MAA will be kicking off its major fundraiser this Thursday October 5. Similar to last year, the top prize is $1000 in gas gift cards. Cost is $2 per ticket and all proceeds will go toward extra curricular activities and playground. Of course, students will have a chance to win great prizes as well. Stay tuned for further details!
MAA will honour Orange Shirt Day this Friday September 29. Orange Shirt Day recognizes the tragic legacy of residential schools, the missing children, the families left behind and honours the survivors.
Max Aitken Academy Moose and Family Members are invited to participate in our annual Terry Fox Walk on Wednesday, September 20th @ 1:00 pm. This will be a rain or shine event. Parents and friends who would like to join us are asked to gather at the front of the school and meet their child’s class as they proceed out the school.