Ms. Alley Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: November 23, 2021

Hello Everyone,

Since we are home today our math test will be pushed back until tomorrow. This is a great oportunity to take the chance to practice the strategies that we have learned to this point that will show up on our test. I have posted the pages that have not yet been posted during our homelearning so you will have everything you need to get ready.

Also, all students were to bring home their french books last night and I am ask that, if they have not already, all students create 2 questions for their books as we will be using them tomorrow in class.

Thank you,

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 12, 2021

Happy Friday Everyone,

There will be no teams meeting today just as last Friday, our next meeting will be on Monday at 9 to look at the new material that I had posted and discusses with the students during our Teams calls earlier this week.

Today I am looking for:

- French reading: One lesson completed on lalilo 

Besides the lesson on lalilo I am asking that everyone finds a way to send their completed work to me through either texting or email.

Have a great weekend!

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 10, 2021

Hello Everyone,

There will be a bit of a change of plans when it comes to our Teams meeting today. Originally in our call yeseterday I had said that we would be starting at 9 again today and looking at a few new things. I now have another meeting that I must attend at 9 this morning. I will be posting and assigning to Teams, the math and Remembrance Day reading that we were going to look at. I would like the students to look at these things themselves this morning and I will be move our meeting to 10am for those students who have questions. 

Today I will be looking for:

- Math: completing the math that was sent out yesterday as well as giving the new math a try using the strategies we have already learned

- lalilo: One completed lesson

- French Reading: I would like all students to do their best reading the Remembrance day writing piece

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 9, 2021

Estimer selon le premier chiffre: (just use the highlighted number to create your estimation) 

4. 45 980 + 42 781 


5. 56 980 + 4 695 


Nombres compatibles: (Don’t forget to round up or down by looking at the number that comes before it) 

4. 6 489 + 6 145 


5. 19 539 + 22 150 


Compensation: (Don’t forget to find your pattern before rounding) 

3. 21 273 + 18 630 + 20 140 + 18 819 


4. 5 245 + 6 020 + 7 985 + 6 755 + 4 850 


5. 12 900 + 14 590 + 26 565 + 16 750 + 24 810 

Posted: November 9, 2021

These are the two things assigned after reading the beginning of our new story.

Question: Please respond to the quote from the book. You can do this either on teams or on a piece of paper and send it to me.

Drawing: We are drawing a picture of Ivan, our main character, based on the description given in the book.

Here is the section of the book that these two pages are referring to:

How I look

I used to be a wild gorilla, and I still look the part.

I have a gorilla's shy gaze, a gorilla's sly smile. I wear a snowy saddle of fur, the uniform of a silverback. When the sun warms my back, I cast a gorilla's majestic shadow.

In my size humans see a test of themselves. They hear fighting words on the wind, when all I'm thinking is how the late-day sun reminds me of a ripe nectarine.

I'm mightier than any human, four hundred pounds of pure power. My body looks made for battle. My arms, outstretched, span taller than the tallest human.


Posted: November 8, 2021

Today we will be having a bit of a longer teams meeting to allow us to look at a few new things together as a class. Our meeting will begin at the same time as normal 9am and end some time between 10:30-11am. Here is the note about our meeting:

Today we will be looking at a few things:
English - we will be exploring our new novel and beginning to discuss the story
French reading comprehension - we will be looking at a grade level reading comprehension and understanding the text as well as answering the questions as a group
Math - we will be doing a review of the different strategies we can use to estimate sums and answering some questions together as a group to help refresh our memories before taking our next step in math tomorrow
Today I will be looking for:
1. lalilo - one completed lesson
2. Math - completing the remainder of the math questions not finished during our teams call
3. English - any answers or discussion questions that we covered about our new story
All materials covered that will be needed to complete work will be posted both here on my teacher page on our teams group. 
Mlle. Alley


Chapter 43:

Chapters 44-45:

Chapter 46:

Chapter 47:

Chapter 48:

Chapters 49-50:

Click on the links above to listen to the sections of our story that you may have missed from our readings on Teams last week and today. You can also click on the links to relisten to any sections you may need to help you answer the questions.

Posted: November 7, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. This week will look a little different than last week as I hope to meet with students everyday using teams. On teams we will be looking at some new material so I hope to see as many students as possible.

Today's teams meetings will be at 9-10 and the invite has been sent out already. We will be:

- Finishing our "Holes" novel

- Looking at the questions together to help your children answer them later on their own

- Talking about our future meetings that are coming up this week so students will know what to expect

By the end of the day I will be looking for:

- Lalilo: one completed lesson

- French: next reading comprehension in our packet

- Math: practice multiplication tables to 5

- English: Completed "Holes" questions

I hope you all have a good day and I can't wait to see you this morning!

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 5, 2021

Happy Friday Everyone,

There will be no teams meeting today, our next meeting will be on Monday at 9 to finish off our novel and to let the students know what the week will look like if we are still learning from home.

Today I am looking for:

- French reading: One lesson completed on lalilo 

Besides he lesson on lalilo I am asking that everyone finds a way to send their completed work to me through either texting or email.

Have a great weekend!

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 4, 2021

Hello Everyone,

Today we will be having another teams meeting to continue reading our Holes book. Due to attendance yesterday we will only be having our morning meeting today from 9-10. Just a reminder to students that we are using teams as a vertual classroom, that means that students are not to be using it as a way to socialize with thier peers outside of class time.

Today I will be looking for:

- French writing: The last writing assignment that is found in the take home packet titled "La critique"

- French reading: The next reading comprehension found in the take home packet titled "J'adore manger!" as well as completing a lesson on lalilo (code:PBKGCT)

- Math: The next page in our take home packet which should be Module 2 Lesson 3

- English: We will be discussing the questions that go along with our Holes story today in our teams meeting and the questions will be posted on the teams page as well as here on my teacher page. 

I am asking that all work be completed by the end of the day tomorrow and sent to me in a way that is convenient to you.

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 3, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am looking forward to seeing everyone on teams today. Just a reminder that I will be on for an hour today at two different times. Both from 9-10 this morning and 6-7 this evening, and feel free to join the meeting that is the most convenient for you.

Today I am looking for:

- English: I am asking the students to read their Mini Mystery and answer the after questions

- French: I am asking that the students complete the second reading comprehension in their packet titled "Ma famille"

- Reading: I am asking that the students complete at least one lesson on lalilo today and I will check their progress to this point (code: PBKGCT)

- Math: I am asking that the students complete the second sheet in their packets, the review Module 2 Lesson 3, both sides of the page

Due to some issues we had yesterday with Dojo I will not be asking students to send me their assignments that way until I am able to send out individual login information. At this time I would ask that if your child is joining me for the first teams call that you send me their work using email or text today. If your child is joining me for the second call I would ask that they have their work on hand with them and I will check it while we are face to face this evening. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 2, 2021

Hello Everyone,

Today I will be reaching out to you the same way that I sent your child's teams login, to see how you made out yesterday. If you had trouble login in we can take the time today to figure it out together. What I will be looking for today from our home learning packet is:

- French Reading: Your child can either spend 15 minutes reading the books that they were given last week and should have home with them, or they can go on to Lalilo and complete at least one lesson for today.

- French Writing: the first writing sheet in their pack titled "La description". Your child must use the picture to describe what they see.

- English: the Before questions from our mini mystery that is included in our pack. Just a reminder to students to not look at the story before answering this sheet please.

- Math: the second side on the first math sheet in your pack (Module 2 Lesson 1) if you haven't completed that already. As well as practicing your multiplication facts up to 5.

I will ask that any completed work be sent to me by your child through class Dojo. Today's code has stayed the same and is: KEA ZHH

If you have any trouble sending it to me this way feel free to send it to me via email or text, as long as I am able to see what your child was able to complete today.

Thank you and have a Terrific Tuesday,

Mlle. Alley

Posted: November 1, 2021

Lalilo : PBKGCT

Dojo (changes every day) - November 1st will be : KEA ZHH

Posted: November 1, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I will be reaching out to everyone today through phone calls and emails to establish a convenient way to stay in contact. From there I will make sure that you child is able to log in to any of the necessary website that we will be using during this time.

The website that we will be accessing today are ones that your children are familiar with, such as: 

- lalilo : a literacy practice and assessment website

- class dojo : where they can keep in contact with me themselves and hand in any finished work

- teams : for any face to face meetings we will be having in the near future

For now, I will be asking that the students be working out of their home learning packets that I sent home in the brown envelope. In that packet I would like the students to only look at two things today:

1. The first reading comprehension sheet that is titled "Je me presente"

2. The first math sheet which will continue helping your child review what they will need to know for their unit test that will be completed when we return back to school

I will be in touch with you very soon,

Mlle. Alley

This week we will be focusing on literacy.

I will encourage everyone to be reading in french this week. Either from the Je Lis resources I provided everyone with last week or any other french reading resources you may already have available to you. Don't forget to reflect on your reading. Tell a family member what happened in your story, or even tell yourself in a mirror or tell a pet, just make sure you are saying it in french!

For our boom learning this week, it will also be focused on french literacy.

This week for wellness we will continue with our videos and questions while learning about what it means to have a growth mindset.

You all have your journals home with you now, so I will encourage you to be writing in them, either in french or in English, just make sure that you are flexing that muscle in your brain and that you keep writing. A happy thought every morning, just as we used to do in class, is a great start.

I have all of our new student passwords and logins that I will be sending out today so we will all be ready for our class meeting tomorrow night.

Have a great week everyone!
