Ms. Tucker Notes



Posted: January 25, 2024

Don't forget! We have skating this coming Monday, January 29th!

Posted: January 25, 2024

Over the next 3 weeks in class, you will be working on a STEM project. Class time will be given each week to work on your individual projects. If your project requires more time to complete, you will be required to do some work at home. Depending on what you choose to do, it may not be reasonable for you to conduct some of your testing, experimenting, and/or creating at school.

Below is the link of the presentation that Ms. Nowlan shared with our class. This presentation provides invaluable information for you to refer to as you work on your project. 

On Slide 30 there are links for several websites where you can find ideas and inspiration for your projects. Please start thinking about what you might like to do!

On Slide 31 there are links that will give you details outlining the expectations and criteria for your experiment and exhibit, as well as the judging rubric.

Posted: October 24, 2023

Halloween Dance - Thursday, Oct 26th, 7-9 pm

Any donations you can contribute for our Reverse Trick-or-Treating event at our local's senior homes would be greatly appreciated! Just bring them to your homeroom class.

Math this weekWe are learning all about factors!

Practice work is as follows:

Textbook - Pages 65-66 - Questions #1,2,3,7,8,12a

Practice sheets: Leςon 5 and Exercices Supplémentaire 2.29

Some videos for reviewing the concepts:

Les facteurs premiers - YouTube

(127) L’arbre des facteurs premiers | Mathématiques | Primaire - YouTube

(127) Les facteurs premiers - YouTube

***Your netmath accounts have been set up as well. Your username and passwords are the same as those you use to log into the computers at school. The only exception is that you are to add: right after you type your username. *** I have added in some modules that you can try to review the concepts that we are currently learning in class.****

Posted: October 16, 2023

***Order forms for school photos went home with your child today.***

Please return tickets and ticket money as they are sold. If you do not wish to sell any, please return any unused books that you have ASAP!

This week in class we are continuing to work on Prime and Composite Numbers. I will assign homework as necessary, however, some students are choosing to bring work home to stay caught up. We are working on the following for practice:

Text Pages 61-62 Questions #1,2,3,6,7,8,11,15

Worksheet- Leçon 4

Worksheet- Exercices Supplémentaires 2.28

Here are some video links that explain the concepts:

NO SCHOOL on Monday, Oct 9 - Thanksgiving

NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, Oct 13 - School Improvement Planning

Tuesday, Oct 10 - Middle Schoolers will be hiking at French Fort Cove. Our class will be taking the bus there at 8:30 and returning at 10am. Please make sure your dressed appropriately for the hike. Bring a water bottle and wear good footwear.

Tuesday, Oct 10- Picture Day for Middle School

Posted: October 2, 2023

In Math this week we will begin our lessons on multiples, factors and prime and composite numbers.

The following work will be done in class and possibly sent home for homework.

Textbook- Pages 56-58 - Questions #1,2,3,4,5,9,10

Leçon3 - Practice Sheet (Pgs 20-21)

Exercices Supplémentaires 2.27

Some Reminders:

Gym classes are on Mon & Thurs- Bring gym clothes and proper footwear

Reminder that you are to attend the activity period that you signed up for unless you bring a note home stating that you need to leave early that day.

NO SCHOOL for students on Mon, Oct 9th for Thanksgiving and Fri, Oct 13 for School Improvement Planning

Posted: September 27, 2023

Middle School Dance tomorrow, Thursday, Sept 28th - 7-9pm Cost is $5 at the door and there will be a canteen to purchase snacks and drinks from.

Math Quiz tomorrow - Les Grandes nombres dans la forme symbolique, dévelopée, en lettres et dans un tableau de valeur de position


Posted: September 25, 2023

Mon & Thurs: Phys. Ed class. Please bring gym clothes and proper footwear.

Wed: Return Sign-in Sheets for the dance if bringing a student from another school

Thurs: Middle School Dance

Friday: Wear an Orange Shirt for "Truth and Reconciliation Day"

Monday, Oct 2: NO SCHOOL to honor and acknowledge "Truth and Reconciliation Day"

In Math this week, students are studying "Les Nombres Autour de Nous". Students are solving problems(with the use of technology) in which large numbers are used in real life.

Text work : Pages 52-54 Questions #1-11

Exercices Supplementaires 2.26

Students will be sent home with homework if they are not using their class time wisely to complete tasks, or if they are getting behind and could use the extra support.

Have a great week!

Mon & Thurs: PE Days

Wed, Sept 20- Terry Fox Walk at 1pm. Families are welcome to join us for the walk. Bring a toonie for Terry!

Friday, Sept 22- NO SCHOOL for students (Positive Learning Environment Day)

Reminders to send in student fee ASAP please. Fee is $30.


-Students have been working on demonstrating an understanding of place value for numbers greater than one million.

***Homework tonight for those that have not completed "Exercices supplementaires 2.25" This sheet should be in their math binders.

Tomorrow, we will begin the lesson on "Solving problems involving large numbers".

This week we are practicing the mental math strategy of multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.