Posted: December 1, 2021
Math 7E - Complete worksheet "Les régularités et les relations" (if not already handed in).
Please return signed report card insert and envelope.
Posted: December 1, 2021
Math 7E - Complete worksheet "Les régularités et les relations" (if not already handed in).
Please return signed report card insert and envelope.
Posted: November 29, 2021
Good morning,
Here are the activities for home learning today:
Math 7E - Circle practice worksheet attached. It is also posted on Teams.
You can write your answers in your notebook or on paper.
Math 8E - Pythagorean Theorem practice page (attached and on Teams).
You can write your answers in your notebook or on paper.
Science 7E/8E - Make a list of all the ways you use technology at home today.
You will need this for an activity later this week.
Feel free to reach out by email or on Teams if you have any questions.
Posted: November 26, 2021
Math 7E - Exercices supplémentaires is due.
Please hand it in on Monday if you have not already done so.
Math 8E - P.34 # 3-8 should be completed for Monday's class.
Have a great weekend!
Posted: November 25, 2021
Math 8E - Finish questions on P.34 #3-8
Math 7E - Finish Exercices Supplémentaires (expressions)
7E is skating tomorrow. Don't forget skates and a helmet.
Posted: November 23, 2021
Good morning! Here are your home learning activities for today:
Posted: November 17, 2021
Math 7E/8E - Please look through the assigned questions you may have missed during home learning to get caught up.
Science 7E/8E - Journal entry is due (plastics)
Math 8E - Quiz on Monday (Unit 1)
There is no school for students on Friday, November 19th as it is a professional learning day for teachers.
Posted: November 16, 2021
Math 7E/8E - Please look through the assigned questions you may have missed during home learning to get caught up.
Math 7E - Expressions worksheet due tomorrow
Math 8E - P.25 # 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 (if not finished in class)
Science 7E/8E - Journal entry is due (plastics)
Posted: November 15, 2021
Math 7E/8E - Please look through the assigned questions you may have missed during home learning to get caught up.
Science 7E/8E - Journal entry is due (plastics)
Posted: November 11, 2021
Math 7E
1. Hand in assignment - Les regularités (3 questions that were assigned on Nov.9th)
This assignment can be done directly on Teams or you can email it to me. You should be able to edit the document to type your answers in the table.
2. Please work on Netmath to complete the following assigned activities:
3. Complete daily check-in on Teams for Friday, November 12th.
Math 8E
1. The following videos review the last three lessons that we’ve covered in Math. Please take a few minutes to watch them and let me know if you have any questions about any of the work that was assigned this week.
2. Please work on Netmath to complete the following assigned activities:
3. Complete daily check-in on Teams for Friday, November 12th.
Phys. Ed. 8P1 & 8P2
Please submit your physical activity log for this week (click for Microsoft form).
Have a great weekend everyone. I miss you all!
Posted: November 10, 2021
Remembrance Day
Please take some time today to honour those who have fallen in the service of their country, and to acknowledge those who still serve.
The Max Aitken Academy virtual Remembrance Day ceremony is available here.
Posted: November 9, 2021
mercredi, le 10 novembre:
Math 7E
Math 8E
Phys. Ed. 8P1 & 8P2
Please reach out via email or on Teams if you have questions. I'm happy to help!
Posted: November 9, 2021
For students that were not able to join the presentation this morning, I've posted a link of the recording on our Teams page.
Posted: November 9, 2021
TEAMS meeting today at 10:00 am.
“Energy in Schools” meeting scheduled with Adam Trider.
Presentation from COE Energy on energy consumption, reduction, and Energy Star Portfolio Manager. All middle school classes are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be recorded if you are not able to make it today at 10:00.
You should be able to click the link below to join the meeting:
There will be also be a daily check-in on Teams (after the meeting).
Posted: November 7, 2021
Good morning! I hope you all had a nice weekend.
lundi, le 8 novembre :
Science 7E et Science 8E
mardi, le 9 novembre
Science 7E et Science 8E
TEAMS Meeting 10:00 am.
“Energy in Schools” meeting scheduled with Adam Trider.
Presentation from COE Energy on energy consumption, reduction, and Energy Star Portfolio Manager. All middle school classes are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be recorded if you are not able to make it on Tuesday at 10:00.
You should be able to click the link below to join the meeting tomorrow morning.
Phys. Ed. 8P1 and 8P2
Please check the tab PE for Middle School. Stay active and try to get outside every day. Remember to fill out the form with what activities you completed last week.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can message me on Teams or email:
Posted: November 5, 2021
Good morning!
Math 7E & Math 8E
Please use some time today to get caught up on the Math lessons posted this week and review the new material. I am available for questions (Teams or email) if you need support.
If you have completed the textbook work, please check Netmath to see what assigned activities you have not completed.
The daily check-in is also posted on Teams.
Lastly, please take 15-20 minutes today and GO OUTSIDE! Walk, run, bike...enjoy the fresh air.
Phys.Ed. 8P1 & 8P2
Reminder to check the PE for Middle School Tab for suggested activities.
Have a great weekend! I hope to see you all soon!