Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Grade 6: Ratio, p 178 #1-5, 7, 9, 10; p 182 #1-3, 5-7, 9-11

Ratio and rates [Math Antics Video, first half]:  

Grade 7: Subtracting fractions, p 193 #1-3, 6-9, 11 & p 197 #2,3,5,6,8,9

Adding and Subtracting Fractions [Math Antics video]:


Work on coding class follow-up activity. 

Think about Glowforge District STEM Challenge, Gather items (see poster below)

Posted: April 13, 2023


Grade 6: Fractions Quiz Review and Quiz (goal for Thursday); Art & Fractions Activity Due

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers [Math Antics video]: 

Grade 7: Fractions Quiz Review and Quiz (goal for Thursday); Art & Fractions Activity Due

Adding and Subtracting Fractions [Math Antics video]:


Work on coding class follow-up activity. 


No school for students Friday.

Parent and Teacher Meetings Thursday, 4-6pm; Friday 9-11:30am.


Posted: April 3, 2023


Grade 6: Fractions, Module 5, page 174 #1-9,11,12 (goal for Thursday); Continue working on Art and Fractions; Begin Quiz Review

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers [Math Antics video]: 

Grade 7: Fractions, Module 5, page 188 #1-3, 5,7,8,10  (goal for Thursday); Continue working on Art and Fractions, Begin Quiz Review

Adding and Subtracting Fractions [Math Antics video]:


Rubric grading for science labs were passed back. 

 Collab Expo Health, Video: 

Rubric grading for projects were passed back.


Grade 6: Fractions, Module 5, page 164 #1-4, 6-9 and page 168 #1-6, 8-10 (goal for Friday); Continue working on Art and Fractions

Grade 7: Fractions, Module 5, page 179 #1,2,3,5,7 and page 184 #4,5,7,8,11,12  (goal for Friday); Continue working on Art and Fractions

 Upcoming Dates (stay tuned for more updates):

Health Career Expo, Tuesday, March 29th. Parents welcome! 9:15-10am (7-8 Team);  10:30-11:45am (6-7 Team)




Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Dec 21 2024


Added: Sun, Jan 8 2023


Test Revision- Fractions (ENG)
Révision de test- Les fractions
PPYE Holiday Market Student Checklist for Thursday, Dec 13th
Révision de test- Les relations et les coordonnées, Maths 6