Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Grade 7: Moyenne, médiane et mode, Quiz 3 and Corrections for Quiz 2, Text work from control sheet- New concept Patterns and Relations


Grade 8: Les développements d'objets à 3D, Quiz 3 and corrections for Quiz 2, Text work from control sheet- New concept Patterns and Relations

Grade 7&8: Sign Test 2 

Sciences: We will prepare to conduct a school waste audit with Jimmy from The Gaia Project, beginning this week. 


Collab: Project topic and partners to be decided this week


Halloween Parade Tuesday! Wear your costume! No masks or fake weapons.



Math:  Complete text work and revision this week for the following concept (see control sheet in duotang and my whiteboard)

Grade 7: Moyenne, médiane et mode

Grade 8: Les développements d'objets à 3D 

Grade 7&8: Sign Test 2 


Sciences: We will prepare to conduct a school waste audit with Jimmy from The Gaia Project, that will happen next week. 


Collab: Our project has been revealed! Check out student document here

And a video of the launch here.


Homeroom: Bring in tickets for draw, asap! Draw Wednesday.



Grade 7 & 8: Quiz Monday (7E), New outcome concepts begin this week and control sheets for new units have been distibuted.


Sciences: Both labeled drawing assignments are due ASAP- Activité Digital Mi'kmaq & Activité 2 #1,2


Collab: Project launch is Wednesday! Stay tuned for details! 


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday, Oct 17: Group 1 

Thursday, Oct 19: Group 2

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.



Grade 7 & 8: Finish Quiz Revisions, Quiz Thursday.



Finish drawing, Activité Digital Mi'kmaq & Activité 2 #1,2


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 3

Tuesday, Oct 17: Group 1 

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.

Hiking FFC: Thursday, 8:30am for 8E; 12:40 for 7E


Sign Quiz 1.

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p69 #1-5,7,11-13, p73 #1,3,4,5,7,11,12, p79 #1-8,11,13,15,16, Quiz II Revision, Quiz Next Week

Grade 8: PEDMAS and Integers, p 92 #7,8,9,10 & p98 #21,22,23, Quiz II Revision, Quiz Next Week


Finish drawing, Activité Digital Mi'kmaq

PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Friday: Group 2

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 62 #1,2,4-8, 10, 11 & p 65 #1-4,7,8 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 80 #4,5,6,8,10,11,13,18 & p 83 #1-3, 5-8,10,11 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Quiz Revisions with corrections attached.


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Following Tuesday: Group 2

Following Friday: Group 3

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


7E: Survey


Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 62 #1,2,4-8, 10, 11 & p 65 #1-4,7,8 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 80 #4,5,6,8,10,11,13,18 & p 83 #1-3, 5-8,10,11 due by end of class Monday, Quiz Revision Monday, Quiz Tuesday


PhysEd Outdoors:

Tuesday: Group 1

Following Tuesday: Group 2

Following Friday: Group 3

Dress for the weather and bring a change of footwear.


$2 twoonie for Terry for Wednesday



Jeu, les nombres entiers: 

Due by Tuesday, September 12th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 54 #1,2aceg, 5,6,7 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 68 #5,6,7,8ac, 10de

Due by Friday, September 15th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 58 #1,2,4ad,5ad,6-12 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 73 #4,6,8,9,11,13,18


Electrify My Ride, Activité: 

Gaia EV Video:


Sign Activity Sheet.

Meet the Teacher, Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Bring $30 student fee and boxes of tissues.

$2 twoonie for Terry

Welcome back!


Due by Tuesday, September 12th

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 54 #1,2aceg, 5,6,7 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 68 #5,6,7,8ac, 10de


Please bring in 4 sheets to be signed (from yellow folder), $30 student fee and boxes of tissues.



Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Dec 21 2024


Added: Sun, Jan 8 2023


Projet Collaboration: Facture de taxe carbone
Révision de test du module: Les grands nombres 6ième année
Révision de test du module: Les nombres entiers 7ième année
Grade 8 Lesson Map Apr-June 2020