Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- p 63 #3,7 (Thursday night's homework)Science-  MCV!  (Merci, c'est vendredi!) :) :) :)
Math- p61 #11,15 & p63 #1,2,Science- sign quiz
Math- p61 #6,7,8; Sign Pop-Quiz & Logique 1Science- sign quiz
Math- PP1 is due tomorrow; p61 #1,2,3; Sign Pop-Quiz & Logique 1Science- sign quiz

Posted: September 24, 2014

Biologically Speaking: Classification of Living Organisms (20 mins): Exploring the Diversity of Life: Insect Diversity (10mins):
Math- Science- page titre, Journal 1, La diversité de HMS• Gas tickets are due IMMEDIATELY...DRAW TOMORROW• $1 for Terry Fox walk TOMORROW and to be eligible for t-shirt draw
Math- Science- page titre, Journal 1, La diversité de HMS • Purple Team Bake Sale continues TOMORROW • Gas tickets are due IMMEDIATELY • PJ Bottom Day is TOMORROW, $1
Math- p56 #1,2,3,4,5,9,10 (Most have finished in class)Science- page titre, Journal 1, La diversité de HMS • Purple Team Bake Sale TOMORROW• Gas tickets are due immediately.• PJ Bottom Day is Wednesday, $1 
Math- Logique 1 is due tomorrowSciences- page titre, Journal 1, HMS: La diversité qui nous entoure (6E1 & 6L1) Hat Day Tomorrow ($1); Bake sale- Tuesday; PJ Bottom Day- WednesdayDance tomorrow night!  All chaperones welcome!
Math- p56 #1,2,3 (6L1 et 6E1); p52 #1,2,3 (6E2); Logique 1 is due FridaySciences- page titre, Journal 1, HMS: La diversité qui nous entoure (6E1) Hat Day Friday; Bake sale- Tuesday; PJ Bottom Day- Wednesday 
Math- p48 #1,3,5,9,12 (6E1); p53 #1,2,3 (6E1 & 6L1); Logique 1 Sciences naturelles- Title page; Organize duotang (6L1 & 6E2)Friday- Hat Day for $1 for Terry Fox 
Math- p48 #1,3,5,9,12 (most students are finished since we worked on this in class last week).Sciences- page titre, work on Journal 1
Math- Cover textSciences naturelles- Title pageFinish Interest Inventory
