Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Posted: March 20, 2014

Our Math test will take place Tuesday, instead of Monday.  See revision here:
Math- Test Monday; Please return report card envelope
Math- Test moved to Monday (no school for students Friday)Study for Math Test.  Students have a hardcopy of the revision, however it is also available here:
Math- test moved to Friday next weekMCV!

Posted: March 13, 2014

We will be skating tomorrow morning (Friday) so bring your gear! :)Happy snowday.
Math- p188 #1à5; test Wednesday, March 19th
Math- p 182 #1,2,3,4,6,8
Math-  Explorer les rapports, p 178 #1à5,9 PP6 est à remettre le 28 février. Logique 9 est à remettre le 28 février.
Math- WEDNESDAY, Short Quiz- Nombres fractionnaire et fractions impropresRemember:  Logique 9 & PP5 are due by Friday.  Please get them in before this date as it is the cut-off for term 2.

Posted: February 21, 2014

Math- p168 1-7
Math- p168 #1

Posted: February 18, 2014

We had an excellent day in all respects!  Here are some photos of the purple team sleigh ride:
