Ms. A. Barrieau Notes

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Math- Cover text bookSciences- Meet the Teacher 6-7pm tonight.
Math- Cover textScience- Title page (6E1, for next class)Meet the Teacher tomorrow, 6-7pm.Good Cart is now up and running for nutrition break. 
Math- p 48 #1,3 (6E1, 6L1); Cover your textSciences-
MCV!Math- :)Science- :)• Word Reference- Excellent site for French-English Dictionary and Conjugation • Help for learning numbers:• Info on our annual gas fundraiser: Weekend! :)
Math- Practice numbers 1-100 in French; Cover your textbook (6L, 6E1)Show your parents Math notice in Math duo-tang (attached here, as well)Meet the Teacher is Wednesday, next weekPhotos are Thursday, next week  
• Finish your interest inventory sheet if you haven't already (6L1).• Sign three sheets distributed yesterday and return them (pink, blue & yellow)

Posted: September 2, 2014

Welcome to Harkins- it was so nice to meet you today!  Here is a link to the slide that shows you how to open your lock: to show your parents the handouts in your agenda, and have them fill out the required sheets to be returned to school.You will have lots of time to organise your books and locker this week, so no stress!  If you have a question, you may ask myself, another teacher, a WEB Leader or a friend.C'était un vrai plaisir de faire votre connaissance aujourd'hui!  À demains!Orientation Day Photos:

Posted: June 10, 2014

Challenge:  Try to go tech-free all day long!  Record what you did to get through the day on your long white sheet.  We can do it!

Posted: June 2, 2014 Tremblement de terre- scènes incroyable (8mins)
Math- p 273 #1,3,4,6; Révision de test due Wednesday; Test Monday
Math- Logique 13 & PP9 are due; Sign pink sheet
Math- Choisir le bon diagramme, p 269 #1,2,3
